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投稿者 ドキッ!プロ奴隷だらけの水泳大会 日時 2011 年 3 月 23 日 10:15:21: hSNyXCkDoAhxY

"Homeless people, minors and unskilled foreign workers in disaster central Fukushima"


Fukushima : Japan Mar 21, 2011


Homeless people, minors and unskilled foreign workers in disaster central Fukushima.

According to ARD correspondent Robert Hetkämper TEPCO said manager for many years homeless and unskilled foreign workers, including minors, employed in the disaster central Fukushima 1. Hetkämper says that doctors in the region confirm his story. The German journalist, who has been for the German TV covert Japan, TEPCO will include use of what the Japanese scornful "disposable workers" call. "If after a while she had suffered so much radiation that there was a health risk, they were dismissed and replaced by others."

TEPCO denies the allegations, but it must be said that the company is not the first lie is cracked. As early as 2002 came to light that the company systematically accidents in nuclear power plants are withheld for the government. In recent days have also been several reports leaked showing that TEPCO that after 2002, when it remonstrations therefor, accidents and incidents continued to conceal and that it was aware of the risks that an earthquake substance and that must have known that some plants were not resistant to it. It also appears that during an inspection a few days before the disaster by the Japanese Atomic Energy Agency 33 serious safety violations were found in the central Fukushima 1.

According to the inspectors lacked the power plant includes an emergency generator, pumps and other components of the cooling system after the tsunami was at fault, overheating and releasing radioactive gases into effect.

TEPCO last year hit dozens of inspections at the Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant, a plant by an earthquake in 2007 in big trouble. Eight people were at the time of death.

Two German professors have now said that the key issue for Fukushima Fifty not look right. Horst Ellgering estimate the survival of the people who now work in the center as "very low" in. "And they're not beautiful death" adds the nuclear physicist added.

Radiation Biologist Edmund Lengfelder has exhausted with regards to radiation FF50 so far have occurred on at least half of them is doomed. The rest, according Lengfelder almost certainly get cancer from radiation.

Meanwhile it seems the CEO of TEPCO, Masataka Shimuzu of the globe to have disappeared. The 66-year-old manager is the head of the energy giant since 2008. He climbed on by excelling as a kostenbespaarder. According to a Japanese newspaper, the CEO has retreated to his luxurious apartment on the 43th floor of a skyscraper in Tokyo.

According to TEPCO spokesman Kaoru Yoshida Shimuzu does indeed "the troops" and will "at the appropriate time" to make himself available for the press.

There is also much uncertainty about the identity of the Fifty Fukushima. Some of them were by a Japanese newspaper - tipped off by relatives - are staged, but most there is no identity.

The Mainichi Shimbun said TEPCO to know that last week (Monday though apparently) to the Japanese government declared that it "will be very difficult for the central yet under control and that we identify, everyone seems to depart from Fukushima 1. Then Prime Minister Naoto Kan was replied that the latter was not an option. According to the Mainichi Shimbun "Japanese Prime Minister signed the death warrant so workers on the spot." The newspaper says the information came from "someone at the top of TEPCO.


01. 2011年3月23日 10:27:23: 00UK2ZcH9U
According to the Mainichi Shimbun "Japanese Prime Minister signed the death warrant so workers on the spot."



02. 2011年3月23日 11:17:29: y7X8UrstgM

03. 2011年3月23日 11:29:24: A7hYGmTzGg

04. 島唄 2011年3月23日 11:31:03: ZW97PFZHjT5Lg : 00UK2ZcH9U



05. 2011年3月23日 22:09:34: 4WV2HM1H9Y




06. 2011年3月24日 09:31:47: QsYULuCss6

07. みみ33 2011年3月24日 10:21:26: xickwfjV5hehU : L2pYa5pCqQ


3/21英ガーディアンの記事 「原発サムライの真実」





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