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投稿者 姉葉大作 日時 2011 年 11 月 02 日 08:03:34: 1eq0f123HFFf2

好むと好まざるとに関わらず"武力または合意"によって、世界政府は樹立される -ジェームズ・ウォーバーグ-



If Vatican cardinals have yet to join the Occupy Wall Street protesters, a document released by the Holy See calling for a "world authority" to crack down on capitalism suggests some are considering it. Written by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and released on Monday, Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of a Global Public Authority, suggests a beefed-up United Nations could police the financial markets and inject a dose of ethics to replace rampant profiteering and reduce inequality.

The pamphlet claims that in combination with a "central world bank", such an authority would help restore "the primacy of the spiritual and of ethics", as well as "the primacy of politics – which is responsible for the common good – over the economy and finance". Financial transactions would be taxed to promote global development and sustainability, while "virtuous" banks helping out the "real economy" would qualify for state subsidy should they need it.

The council's secretary, Bishop Mario Toso, said the 1944 Bretton Woods accord had failed, while the G20 was unable to rein in markets.

The document also says the International Monetary Fund is no longer up to the job of stabilising the global financial system.

Toso admitted that these ideas appeared to sympathise with those of "los indignados", the Spanish protest over mass youth unemployment, but stressed that the document was built on existing Vatican teaching, notably Pope Benedict XVI's 2009 encyclical, titled Charity in Truth, which criticised free market fundamentalism.According to the pamphlet, the Pope had singled out the moral, economic and financial roots of the crisis. "To function correctly the economy needs ethics, and not just of any kind but one that is people-centred."The pope, it adds, "himself expressed the need to create a world political authority". The document also picks up on the pope's denunciation of a new "technocracy", and raises concerns over automated trading. "Seventy per cent of financial transactions are today performed in milliseconds by algorithms," said Leonardo Becchetti, an Italian professor of economics, who helped draft the document.

The document adds: "The speculative bubble in real estate and the recent financial crisis have the same origin in the excessive amount of money and the plethora of financial instruments globally." Letting Lehman Brothers fail, thanks to a "liberalist approach, unsympathetic towards public intervention in the markets", only worsened the crisis, it adds.

Looking to the G20 conference, Cardinal Peter Turkson, the head of the pontifical council, said the pope would be looking for "a clear vision of economic, social, and spiritual aspects".



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