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シリア政府軍が反体制派の拠点制圧、支援団体の立ち入りは許可  CNN
投稿者 ダイナモ 日時 2012 年 3 月 03 日 01:03:09: mY9T/8MdR98ug

(CNN) 武力弾圧が続くシリアの西部ホムスで1日、反体制派が拠点としていたババ・アムル地区を政府軍が制圧し、離反兵で組織する「自由シリア軍」は撤退した。国連人権理事会は同日、シリア非難決議を賛成多数で採択。人道支援団体がババ・アムル地区に入ることは認められた。









01. 2012年3月03日 14:31:34 : S57QJHub3w


2012/03/03 07:41







MP Assem Qanso reveals "al-Nashrah" for throwing the Syrian regime's arrest of 18 officers and 100 French paratroopers and 70 Lebanese were fighting in Homs and confirms that the regime will put an end to the armed groups in a period not exceeding one month
Friday, 02 March 2012, last updated 08:25
(http://www.elnashra.com/) http://goo.gl/MWyYB

MP of the Party of "al-Baath" Assem Qanso announced the end of the armed hostilities in Syria with the Syrian army on the control of Baba Amru neighborhood in the city of Homs, pointing out that the Syrian crisis is now behind our back, expressing his belief that the regime will put an end for the remainder of armed groups during the period up to a month.

In an interview with "al-Nashrah", MP Qanso announced the arrest of 18 officers and 100 French paratroopers and 70 Lebanese were fighting in the Syrian city of Homs, promising to reveal more data, especially those on whom he called Lebanese "conspirators".

With Qanso called former Prime Minister Hariri to return to Lebanon through the Beirut International Airport after he failed to return his calculations via Damascus, considered the leader of the Front "national struggle", MP Walid Jumblatt, burned all his papers and did not leave a way back to Damascus.

Completely changed the equation ..

MP Assem Qanso confirmed that the equation has changed completely with the control of the Syrian army on the neighborhood Baba Amru in Homs, declaring the end of the armed hostilities in Syria, pointing out that the role of Idlib has come after cleaning Homs. He said: "I do not doubt that there will still be some pockets of armed and mobile external support Qatari Saudi, but the regime will put an end to it in a maximum period of a month."

Qanso described the Free Syrian Army as "group of mercenaries, lured by money and sold their souls to the devil," stressing that "no longer for those with the fall of Baba Amru, or (military) base or a basic center which set off their plot in the armed forces."

Qanso revealed that "the Syrian regime has arrested 18 officers and 100 French paratroopers and 70 Lebanese who were fighting in Homs," pointing out that "this scandal will overthrow the French President Nicolas Sarkozy," vowing to "reveal more, especially in relation to Lebanese plotters."

Going to the Hajj and the people due!

Qanso said that "the Syrian crisis has become behind our backs," explaining that the solution is today politically, believe that the Syrian regime return stronger than ever "and the conspirators in Lebanon to prepare for the day."

Concerning the call by Shaikh Ahmad al-Aseer to protest in central Beirut on Sunday, Qanso said: "They're going for Hajj and the people returned ...". He added: "they shouted slogans for Homs on Sunday, and the story ended there yesterday!". Having considered that the "prisoner sued money, puts it to mobilize the people," he said, "If he wants that took him to Homs to see how the finished things are welcome, it ... and if he pretended humanitarian grounds rather to by sending medicines and some blankets for the people of Homs, not screaming in the streets of Lebanon to mobilize people. "

Accounts Hariri failed ..

Qanso described the statement of a member the "future bloc," MP Riad Rahhal, who said that "Arab countries must hit a smash at Syria, and get involved, even if it lead to a global war" as "absurd," saying that "such people vent their own hatred in a crisis situation which came to him and the state of bankruptcy in which they live today," and he said, "this is the situation of Walid Jumblatt as well. "

And whether there is a room for Jumblatt to return to Syria in case the regime survives, Qanso said: "Jumblatt burned all his papers, and a way back to Damascus has not remained." Qanso called leader Saad al-Hariri, the leader of the Future Movement "to return to Beirut via Beirut airport because his calculations via Damascus failed with the failure of the conspiracy against Syria."



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