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米国ニューメキシコ州の核廃棄物隔離試験施設で緊急事態 地下深くで車両火災 地面から黒煙(ENE NEWS)
投稿者 ナルト大橋 日時 2014 年 2 月 08 日 12:01:04: YeIY2bStqQR0.

Source: Current Argus


TV: “Imminent situation” at U.S. nuclear site — Emergency operations center evacuated due to fire deep underground — “One of most serious incidents” on record — Anonymous footage of thick black smoke coming from ground (VIDEO)

Published: February 6th, 2014 at 9:27 am ET By ENENews
公開:2014年2月6日、午前9:27 ET ENENewsによる

KOAT, Feb. 5, 2014: An imminent situation going on right now in Southern New Mexico at Carlsbad. Emergency response crews have activated an emergency plan at WIPP. Here’s what we know right now — shortly after 11am, WIPP’s emergency operations center was evacuated. They tell us an underground vehicle […] was on fire in the underground. […] KOAT Action News is working on getting every detail of this scary situation from Southern New Mexico. We’ll see you tonight. >> Watch the broadcast here
KOAT(アメリカの情報収集サイト)、 2014年2月5日:ニューメキシコ州南部のカールスバッド市で、今起こっている差し迫った状況。緊急対応要員は、核廃棄物隔離試験施設 (Waste Isolation Pilot Plant)で緊急計画を発動している。ここでは、私たちが今知っていることだが−11時の後直ぐに、核廃棄物隔離試験施設の緊急オペレーションセンターは避難した。彼らは私たちに、地下の車両は[...]地下で燃えていたと告げた。 [...] KOATアクションニュースはニューメキシコ州南部から、この恐ろしい状況の細部を得ることに取り組んでいます。私たちは今夜あなた方に表示します。

KOAT, Feb. 5, 2014: It’s the nation’s first repository for radioactive waste left behind from research and production of nuclear weapons […] Access to the site is being restricted. The cause of that fire remains under investigation. >> Watch the broadcast here
KOAT(アメリカの情報収集サイト) 、 2014年2月5日:核兵器の研究•生産から取り残された放射性廃棄物の全国初の貯蔵所です。[...]そのサイトへのアクセスは制限されている。その火事の原因は調査中のままです。

KOB, Feb. 5, 2014:
KOB(アメリカの情報サイト) 、2014年2月5日:

KOB anchor: An emergency today at WIPP […] A truck caught fire nearly half mile underground […]
KOB最新情報: 今日、核廃棄物隔離試験施設で緊急事態 [... ] ほぼ半マイルの地下でトラックに火がついた[ ...]

KOB reporter: 6 workers were taken to this hospital in Carlsbad for smoke inhalation […] It was enough to shut down the plant for the rest of this week. […] WIPP spokesperson Roger Nelson says […] these situations can be very dangerous.

KOB記者は: 6人の作業員が煙吸入のためにカールスバッドのこの病院に運ばれた[...]その事故は、この週末に施設を閉鎖するのに十分だった。 [...]核廃棄物隔離試験施設の広報担当ロジャー•ネルソンは、[...]このような状況は非常に危険ですと言います。

Roger Nelson, WIPP spokesman: “These are events that could potentially harm people, our workers as well as it gives us a bad reputation because we appear to have made a mistake. […] Inhalation is the primary hazard with radioactive materials of this nature.”
ロジャー•ネルソン、核廃棄物隔離試験施設の広報担当:「これらは我々がミスをしたと思われるので、潜在的に、人々 、私たちの作業員だけでなく、私たちに悪い評判を与える害を及ぼす可能性のある事故です。 [...]この種の放射性物質を吸入することは、主要な危険である。 」

KOB reporter: Nelson says this is one of the most serious incidents since the plant opened in 1999 […]
KOB記者:ネルソンは、これは、施設が1999年にオープン以来、最も深刻な事件の一つであると言います[... ]

Watch the KOB broadcast here
See anonymous footage of black smoke rising out of ground at plant here



01. taked4700 2014年2月08日 20:28:20 : 9XFNe/BiX575U : jZ9awDaQao

Emergency response teams responding to operational emergency at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, NM

POSTED: 03:17 PM MST Feb 05, 2014
UPDATED: 03:18 PM MST Feb 05, 2014
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Emergency response teams are responding to an operational emergency at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)

2:44 Feb. 5, 2014 Update:

Personnel who were transported to a local hospital for possible smoke inhalation have been released
Officials at WIPP are working on a plan for safe re-entry to the WIPP underground
The plan must be approved by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration
No time frame has been determined for the plan to be approved and for actual re-entry to the mine
Emergency response personnel at WIPP are trained to respond to a wide variety of emergencies

Information Released at 12:25 p.mShortly after 11 a.m., WIPP’s Emergency Operations Center was activated
An underground vehicle used to transport salt is on fire in the underground
All underground personnel are accounted for and have been safely evacuated to the surface
Powered ventilation to the underground has been suspended
Multiple employees are being transported to a local hospital for potential smoke inhalation
All waste handling operations are suspended
There is no waste in the vicinity of the fire
WIPP’s mine rescue teams are being activated and one additional mine rescue team is on standby
Access to the site is restricted
A news conference will be held at 1:30 p.m. at the Skeen-Whitlock Building in Carlsbad at 4021 National Parks Highway

A Joint Information Center (JIC) has been established in Carlsbad, located at 4021 National Parks Highway, to provide emergency public information. Public inquiries can be made to the JIC from Carlsbad by calling (575) 234-7380 and (575) 234-7305 for media inquiries. If outside the local calling area, call 1-800-336-9477 for updated informationConcerned residents can listen to their local radio stations to receive fast-breaking information announced by the JICWIPP, a cornerstone of DOE’s cleanup effort, is the nation’s first repository for the permanent disposal of defense-generated transuranic radioactive waste left from research and production of nuclear weaponsLocated in southeastern New Mexico, 26 miles east of Carlsbad, WIPP’s facilities include disposal rooms excavated in an ancient, stable salt formation, 2,150 feet (almost one-half mile) underground. Waste disposal began at WIPP on March 26, 1999For more information about WIPP, call 1-800-336-9477, or visit the WIPP Web site at http://www.wipp.energy.govSource: WIPP Communications Manager


最後にSource: WIPP Communications Managerとあるので、ニューメキシコ州カールズバッド核廃棄物隔離試験施設の広報担当者の話としてこの記事が書かれていることになる。しかし、例えばCNNなどのサイトで探してもこの関連の記事は出てこない様子。




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