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ガンダーセン:福島の人々のために非常に恐れている 百万人が癌になり得る 乳児死亡が着実に増加 放射能の影響示す(EN
投稿者 ナルト大橋 日時 2014 年 4 月 19 日 13:53:14: YeIY2bStqQR0.


Gundersen: I’m very afraid for people far away from Fukushima; Million cancers possible — Japanese Interpreter: “Infant death increasing steadily… already shows effect of radiation, I think it’s important to share this with you” (VIDEO)
ガンダーセン:私は、遠く離れた福島の人々のために非常に恐れている。百万人の人が癌になり得る−日本の通訳:「乳児死亡が着実に増加している...既に放射能の影響を示している、私は貴方達とこの情報を共有することが重要だと考える」 (映像)

Published: March 3rd, 2014 at 4:46 pm ET By ENENews
公開: 2014 年3月3日、午後4:46 ET ENENewsによる

Radio New Zealand‘s interview with Arnie Gundersen, chief engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education, Jan. 26, 2014 (at 14:30 in): The data we’re getting indicates — we found a particle in a vacuum cleaner bag 300 kilometer from the accident, the particle is microscopic and is emitting 200 disintegrations per second — in other words 200 x-rays every second are coming off of this microscopic particle. This is a long way from the reactors and the Japanese sleep on the floor. So I am very afraid of internal contamination far away from the reactors. About a year and half ago I came up with there’d be somewhere on the order of 100,000 to a 1,000,000 cancers as a result. >> Full interview here

Rachel Clark, originally from Japan, interpreter for 150 Hibakusha delegates at the United Nations NPT Conference and Communication Coordinator with Peace Boat, published Cinema Forum Fukushima on Feb. 26, 2014 (at 3:45 in): After 1 year of the March 11 earthquake, thyroid abnormalities of local children was like 40% — 40% of local children had some kind of thyroid abnormality. Which is 4 to 5 times faster than what happened in children in Chernobyl. When the children in Chernobyl reached 40% thyroid abnormality, that was after 5 years of the incident. So, Fukushima speed is much faster than Chernobyl’s case. […]
レイチェル・クラークは、もともと日本(に在住)、国連核不拡散(NPT)会議で150人の被爆者代表団の通訳でありピースボートとのコミュニケーションコーディネーターであるが、2014年2月26日にシネマ・フォーラム福島を公開した(3分45秒の所で): 3月11日の地震から1年後、地元の子供たちの甲状腺異常は40%程度だった−地元の子供たちの40%が数種類の甲状腺異常を持っていた。チェルノブイリの子供達に起こったものよりも4 〜5倍高速になる。チェルノブイリの子供たちが甲状腺異常40%に達したときは、事故の5年後であった。だから、福島の速度はチェルノブイリの場合よりもはるかに高速である。 [...]

Infant death is increasing steadily, and this is a comparison of the year 2010 and the year 2011. The cause, in terms of cancer and leukemia is increased significantly. When it comes to heart disease, this almost doubled. Infection and also pneumonia increase [...] Radiation attacks growing cells, and also especially the muscles of the heart will be very much weakened, and also immune system will be very much weakened. So it already shows the effect of radiation. I think it’s important to share this information with you — because of this, not being taken care of adequately, mothers in Japan got very frightened.

Watch this presentation from the event “Follow up on Fukushima Crisis” here


01. 2014年4月20日 11:59:32 : ycFJg97lAU


○ ガン・白血病の増加(放射線が細胞の増殖を攻撃)

○ 心臓病(放射線が心筋細胞を攻撃)

○ 感染・肺炎の増加(放射線により免疫が弱体化)




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