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投稿者 赤かぶ 日時 2015 年 8 月 31 日 10:41:05: igsppGRN/E9PQ


@DIME 8月31日(月)9時10分配信











1. 2015年8月31日 11:42:31 : VLeSe71maI

山口組の収益、世界のマフィアで断トツの9兆6000億円 タイの国家予算レベル
1 : 超竜ボム(愛知県)@\(^o^)/:2015/08/31(月) 01:01:52.32 ID:8J6ICsri0●.net PLT(13000) ポイント特典

3,650 リツイート
2,156 お気に入り
2 : エルボードロップ(チベット自治区)@\(^o^)/:2015/08/31(月) 01:04:02.23 ID:Hn90Z2Cj0.net
3 : ブラディサンデー(東京都)@\(^o^)/:2015/08/31(月) 01:05:21.08 ID:lYTVMXCo0.net
4 : 魔神風車固め(神奈川県)@\(^o^)/:2015/08/31(月) 01:08:54.54 ID:UoMBcJBS0.net
5 : 魔神風車固め(catv?)@\(^o^)/:2015/08/31(月) 01:09:31.06 ID:TowjgvE/0.net
6 : リバースネックブリーカー(dion軍)@\(^o^)/:2015/08/31(月) 01:09:59.26 ID:rrjFVJz00.net

30 : 超竜ボム(愛知県)@\(^o^)/:2015/08/31(月) 01:23:42.08 ID:8J6ICsri0.net
売上高 9兆6000億円
組員 2万3000人

売上高(連結) 9.7兆円 (単体) 1.8兆円
従業員(連結) 33万人 (単体) 3万人

31 : 超竜ボム(愛知県)@\(^o^)/:2015/08/31(月) 01:25:35.93 ID:8J6ICsri0.net
売上高(連結) 7.6兆円
従業員(連結) 7万人





2. 2015年8月31日 12:41:27 : nJF6kGWndY




>>01 山口組の収益、世界のマフィアで断トツの9兆6000億円










1位:山口組(日本、Yamaguchi Gumi-Revenue:800億ドル)


3. 2015年8月31日 12:46:10 : nJF6kGWndY


by Massimiliano Aceti

January 5th, 2012
Download pdf
In December 2006, Japan’s former national police chief, Hiromitsu Suganuma, interpreting official statistics, stated that the total amount of annual financial income of the largest boryokudan group, the Yamaguchi-gumi was 8,000 billion yen (about 61 billion Euros), an impressive figure when you consider that the total annual income of the Toyota Group, world leader in the automotive market was 10,000 billion yen (76 billion). Within the yakuza organizations, all economic activities from which the members receive money are known collectively under the name of shinogi.

The primary activity is definitely drug trafficking (35% of the total) followed by the traditional occupation of gambling (17%) and from extortion and protection activities (including prostitution and the practice of minbo, 9 %). These three activities occupy more than 60% of total profits. The traditional function of “dispute resolution” remains constant (7%) which, though a not very profitable activity, continues to be practiced. The yakuza have extended the field of activity in the world of finance and construction. Three percent of the revenue generated by the activities of the sokaiya-yakuza, real professional criminals insinuating themselves into the boards of companies, influencing decisions. Today’s yakuza not only operate in the illegal market today but also in the legal market (20% of revenue). However, we must always bear in mind that the legal activities are always carried out with not entirely orthodox methods.

Drug and trafficking routes. During the thirties and to the mid-forties, Japan adopted a two-sided policy in the management of drugs. In the national territory, the use of narcotics was absolutely forbidden while in the occupied territories the opium trade was seen as a source of revenue and a way to keep the occupied population docile. The industry was legal and controlled by the government but at the same time, the yakuza controlled the distribution and supervision of the rooms where this substance was consumed. To maintain a population docile, a narcotic substance was necessary, but to keep a population active and productive a stimulant was necessary. In Japan, opium was therefore illegal, but at the same time the sale of amphetamines was legal. The first product launched in the Japanese market was Hiropon, sold in the form of ampoules containing injectable liquids or pills. The government advertised the use of the substance as a miraculous panacea that could be used to treat many illnesses from low blood pressure to obesity.
We must consider that this is a period of strong industrial growth and military preparedness. The military and industrial application of this substance was instrumental in increasing the resistance of the troops and workers before and during the war. At the end of the war, large quantities of amphetamines packaged for military use were poured into the black market run by the yakuza. In 1948 the government officially began to consider the dangers of drugs, and reduced the concentration of active ingredient in the products for sale, but kept them legal. Only in 1951 was the prohibition of amphetamines enacted into law (Kakuseizai Torishimari I) and in 1953 a real information campaign about the dangers of the substance began. Thanks to this law, in 1954 a rapid decline began in the consumption of amphetamines in 1957, and this epidemic could be considered resolved.
A second outbreak of amphetamines began in the seventies, to reach its peak in the mid eighties, but this time the yakuza were not limited to the control and management of the market, but they themselves promoted consumption. It all started in Osaka, where many workers engaged in construction for World Expo 1970 were taught the use of this substance to withstand hard work. With the beginning of the twenty-first century law enforcement and drug seizures of amphetamines have intensified, but their consumption remains wide-spread.
The quality of drugs sold is very high; drugs in Japan are usually cut with other substances. Local production is non-existent due to the strong control over the basic substances in production and because of the price competitiveness of imported products. Until the ‘80s most of the import of amphetamines came from Korea (79%) and in small part from Taiwan (21%), following the repression carried out by the Korean authorities before the Olympic Games in Seoul (1988) the import axis has shifted mainly on Taiwan (78%) and to a lesser extent from Korea (11%). In the 90 years further changes were made to the import route, turning to China (69%) and North Korea (31%). The diplomatic problems with North Korea and the effective embargo on products from this country forced the yakuza to rely almost entirely on the Chinese market in 2003 so that 88% of the meta-amphetamines imported came from China, including Hong Kong.
Lately it seems that the Japanese yakuza and Chinese triads not only work together but are allied in a joint venture involved in the sale of heroin. The pacts are clear: the substance is forbidden to be sold in Japan, but at the same time the use of ports is allowed for loading the goods to be distributed in Europe and America. This joint venture seems to have had important repercussions. The use of Japanese ports as a transit point for heroin destined for markets in Europe and America seems to have been reciprocated by the possibility to use the China-Japan-Canada route (through Canadian ports, the Chinese triads are very active in Canada ) for import into Japan of not only meta-amphetamines (62% of seizures of the substance comes from Canada) but also of cannabis (58% of seizures of the substance comes from Canada) and in recent years of MDMA (methylenedioximetanphetamine, better known as ecstasy), a drug on the rise among young Japanese. Even in this case 54% of seizures are of Canadian origin.

When the venture is called pachinko. Gambling has long been illegal in Japan, although it has always been and still is widely practiced by the Japanese. The participation of the yakuza in the management of gambling in Japan takes three distinct forms: organization of different types of gambling using cards, dice and roulette in recent times (bakuchi) illegal gambling (nomikoi), and pachinko (a type of Bagatelle-mail). Just one of the pachinko industries has developed remarkably in Japan, where, in fact, nearly twenty million people are addicted to this vice. The most recent NPA estimates (2005) describe a market that ranges from 2,500 to 3,000 billion yen, representing 19 to 23 billion Euros. The earnings are very difficult to quantify because it is an industry which, although legal, does everything to avoid paying taxes. This game is considered a gray area between legality and illegality. Players do not win cash prizes but only steel balls that are exchanged for prizes such as cigarettes, toys, dolls, etc. These awards often are converted into money by betting offices located outside of the small rooms which then resell these prizes to pachinko. The yakuza have developed the exchange of industry awards. Normally, the yakuza members come oblige winners from pachinko to sell their prize at 30% less than its real value. They then sell the product at full price to pachinko, so gaining 30% of any winnings.

Japanese illegal hiring. From the Edo period, the bakuto have always had close ties with the brokers responsible for providing the manpower for large public works. This is still a traditional role of the yakuza. The construction industry in Japan is dependent on a pyramid structure in which a small group of large companies subcontract work to companies who in turn subcontract medium-sized projects to small companies. This allows companies to have a small core of skilled workers and employees on permanent contracts, which can be instantly supplemented by workers who are low-skilled, low-cost or have no qualifications. At the core of this labor market are the daily workers (hiyatoi rodosha) who find themselves at the dawn of each day in the “labor markets” (yoseba) of the big cities. The labor brokers (tehaishi) responsible for the supply of such workers in the construction industry are mostly yakuza themselves. The workers’ wages are paid mostly to the procurer of labor, rather than to the worker himself. From this amount, tax is deducted by the procurer (pinhan) before paying the worker. In general, this payment is approximately 15% of wages earned.

Prostitution, the sex trade and trafficking. Prior to enactment of the baishun boshi ho law of 1956, prostitution was legal in Japan. For a long time in Japanese history, legislators have encouraged a system of legalized prostitution based on licensing. This happened not only to safeguard public order but also to keep a check on population; the brothels being the resources to obtain information on citizens’ activities. Until 1956 this business was not directly controlled by the yakuza. This does not mean that it did not need the security services provided by these organizations. After 1956 the situation became more complex. The Japanese prostitution prevention law was seen as a kago-ho (a bamboo law), a law full of loopholes. Article 2 of the Act of 1956 defines prostitution as “a sexual act in exchange for compensation or promise of reward.” This means that any other service that excludes sexual vaginal penetration is not covered by this law. Consequently, Japan has developed an extensive legal industry that is dedicated to sexual services, known as “soapland.” In this industry naked women completely covered with soap massage clients with their bodies; some centers and beauty shops offer massage services in this type of masturbation. It is unlikely that the yakuza are directly involved in this business. There are two areas of the sex industry that are monopolized by the yakuza. These are “club meetings,” the management of foreign prostitution and street prostitution.

Another activity is the organization of trips for sexual purposes. The explosion of the tourism industry in the late '60s, thanks to a strong currency, allowed the Japanese to travel as never before in their history. The Japanese thus began organizing trips for sexual purposes. Probably it was the Japanese who invented this type of practice, meticulously organizing it. The yakuza were directly responsible for the development of this type of industry. Taipei, Seoul, Manila and Bangkok began to be visited by yakuza organizations in charge of travel for the Japanese. From the same localities women were “imported” to be employed in street prostitution, a growing number of them Chinese. The international trafficking of human beings is not new to the yakuza, and is also rooted in the Second World War, recording its boom the ‘90s, with the outbreak of the Nippon economy. It is estimated that today there are at least 100,000 foreigners involved in prostitution in Japan, a lucrative business if you consider that a sexual performance with a prostitute in Japan costs a minimum of 300 Euros and then, doing a calculation on 100,000 foreign prostitutes, the turnover is roughly 7.3 billion Euros. Assuming then that a future prostitute can cost as little as $300 in her home country and once arrived in Japan can be sold for about 30,000 Euros, the yakuza gain from this kind of business turns out to be very high.

The minbo involves extortions of all kinds. Minj kainyu boryoku, literally violent intervention in civilian affairs, is abbreviated minbo. There are many activities that can be considered minbo, from traffic accidents to collecting fictitious credits to the management of corporate failures. Under Japanese law only lawyers are authorized to collect the debts. However, the slowness of the process and the costs of a lawyer very often suggest to creditors the use other means of collection. The commission that the yakuza requires for this type of service is 50% to which are added other expenses, of which the best known is ashidai (literally fee for the legs). As a result, most of the money collected often goes to the pockets of collectors rather than to the creditor. However, 30% recovery of a debt is better than not recovering 100%. Another recent development in the activities of the yakuza in which the victims are ordinary citizens is the business of the territory or jiage predation. This practice refers to forcing small owners who own adjacent land to sell or forcing tenants to give up the apartment in which they live. Many small lots of adjacent land will form a larger and more financially lucrative one. The management of financial failures (Tosan Seiri) is one of the most sought-after and advanced techniques through which the yakuza obtain revenue. When a company goes bankrupt in Japan, the legal mechanism for satisfying the various creditors can take many years and the amount of debt repaid is often a small percentage of the amount due. Creditors, therefore, find it convenient to sell their debt to a specialist in financial management failures (tosan seiri) even for just 5% of the amount due. On the other hand, some managers may decide to make use of the yakuza to prevent attacks by creditors. The two most important things for the management of a financial failure are speed of action and the accumulation of more debt than other creditors. The seriya identifies a company in bankruptcy and settles it by providing short term financial support. In this way a seriya can force the company's chairman to sign a document that will allow the seriya to possess the books, the company symbols and the contracts. At this point the seriya can create bills and other documents in his favor. Once the company fails, it is important to quickly collect the company credits before the other creditors. Timing is therefore crucial, because the bankrupt company is appointed a guarantor by the bankruptcy court (kanzainin) which is usually the largest creditor of the company. The seriya, being the biggest, will then oversee the administration in charge of managing the payment of debts. The yakuza have specialized in this field.

Legitimate business and “brothers in business.” With the increased repression of the traditional activities of the yakuza, there was a progressive increase in legal activities. Criminal organizations have begun to consider it beneficial to establish legitimate sources of income to reduce the risk of seizure and to mitigate other unsafe sources often linked to illegal activities. Above all, the yakuza have moved in the management of estates, finance, English language schools, private hospitals and hotels. In short everything that can provide a legitimate source of money. The business office does not accept this invasion willingly, however, because the yakuza often use the old ways of intimidation in the business office.
They have also developed new figures as “brothers in business,” the kigyo shatei. The kigyo shatei are businessmen who are not formally members of organizations but are using the yakuza affiliation with these groups to be more competitive in the market. These people are also members of the organization's official yakuza, or alternatively may be simple businessmen who have developed a very close relationship (almost-siblings) with the leaders of yakuza organizations with the intent of increasing their business. Obviously this development causes new problems to the police in identifying criminals. These employees, in fact, show business and its ties with associations through tattoos or the style and behavior typical of the yakuza.

1. Yamaguchi Gumi—Revenue: $80 billion

The largest known gang in the world is called the Yamaguchi Gumi, one of several groups collectively referred to in Japan as “Yakuza,” a term that is roughly equivalent to the American use of “mafia.” The Yamaguchi Gumi make more money from drug trafficking than any other source, according to Hiromitsu Suganuma, Japan’s former national police chief. The next two leading sources of revenue are gambling and extortion, followed closely by “dispute resolution.”

The Yakuza date back hundreds of years, and according to Dennis McCarthy, author of An Economic History of Organized Crime, Yakuza groups are among the most centralized in the world. While other East Asian gangs like Chinese Triads, which are a loose conglomeration of criminals bonded together mostly by familial relations, Yakuza are bound together by “elaborate hierarchies,” and members, once initiated, must subvert all other allegiances in favor of the Yakuza. Even with the Japanese government cracking down on Yakuza in recent years, this centralized structure has made it easy to attribute a massive amount of revenue to this single gang.

2. Solntsevskaya Bratva—Revenue: $8.5 billion

Russian mafia groups sit on the other side of the organizational spectrum from Yakuza. Their structure, according to Frederico Varese, a professor of criminology at the University of Oxford and an expert on international organized crime, is highly decentralized. The group is composed of 10 separate quasi-autonomous “brigades” that operate more or less independently of each other. The group does pool its resources, however, and the money is overseen by a 12-person council that “meets regularly in different parts of the world, often disguising their meetings as festive occasions,” Varesi says.

It’s estimated that the group claims upwards of 9,000 members, and that it’s bread and butter is the drug trade and human trafficking. Russian organized crime in general is heavily involved in the heroin trade that originates in Afghanistan: it’s estimated that Russia consumes about 12% of the world’s heroin, while it contains just 0.5% of the world’s population.

3. Camorra—Revenue: $4.9 billion

While the Italian-American mafia has been severely weakened in recent decades by law enforcement, the Italian mafia in the old country is still running strong. Despite years of efforts from citizens, journalists, and government officials, the local governments in Italy remain linked to and protective of various mafia groups, to the point where a 2013 study from the Università Cattolica and the Joint research Centre on Transnational Crime estimated that mafia activities generate revenue of $33 billion dollars, mostly divided among Italy’s four major mafia gangs.

Camorra is the most successful of these groups, raking in an estimated $4.9 billion per year on everything from “sexual exploitation, firearms trafficking, drugs, counterfeiting, gambling … usury and extortion,” according to the report. And Camorra has been at it a long time. Based in Naples, the group’s history dates back to the 19th century, when it was formed initially as a prison gang. As members were released, the group flourished during the bloody political struggles in Italy during the 1800s by offering protection services and as a force for political organization among Italy’s poor.

4. ‘Ndrangheta—Revenue: $4.5 billion

Based in the Calabria region of Italy, the ‘Ndarangheta is the country’s second largest mafia group by revenue. While it is involved in many of the same illicit activities as Camorra, ‘Ndrangheta has made its name for itself by building international ties with South American cocaine dealers, and it controls much of the transatlantic drug market that feeds Europe. It has also been expanding its operations in the U.S. and has helped prop up the Gambino and Bonnano crime families in New York. In February, Italian and American police forces arrested dozens of ‘Ndrangheta and Gambino family members and charged them with crimes related to the transatlantic drug trade.

5. Sinaloa Cartel—Revenue $3 billion

Sianola is Mexico’s largest drug cartel, one of several gangs that has been terrorizing the Mexican population as it serves as the middleman between South American producers of illegal drugs and an unquenchable American market. The White House Office of Drug Control Policy estimates that Americans spend $100 billion on illegal drugs each year, and the RAND Corporation says that about $6.5 billion of that reaches Mexican cartels. With an estimated 60% market share, Sinola cartel is raking in approximately $3 billion per year.

Despite the fact that Sinaloa’s leader was arrested February, the cartel seems to have avoided the sort of bloody—and costly—succession battle that has plagued some groups when a leader is taken out of commission.

4. 2015年8月31日 13:05:45 : nJF6kGWndY




2009/03/03 にアップロード



米国サイトTop 10 Human Traffickersより
日本は人身売買の中継国であり、受入国です。多くの女性と子どもたちは中国、東南アジアや東欧から日本へ人身売買されています。 被害者のすべての女性は、組織犯罪を強要されています。お金と豊かな生活を約束され来日した被害者たちは、目的地に到着するとパスポートは没収され、移動を制限されます。(略)
日本も他人事ではない! 人身売買に関与している国ランキング


現在ヤクザの6割が同和。 3割が在日韓国・朝鮮人。

元公安調査庁の菅沼光弘氏( 6代目山口組の高山氏との親しい関係)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7































山口組系「天野組組長」 …金政基
山口組系「極心連合会組長」 …姜弘文

五代目稲川会会長 − 通名:清田次郎、本名:辛炳圭



■参考: 保守速報より その他 指定暴力団代表者
五代目合田一家総長 − 通名:山中大康、 本名:李大康
七代目合田一家総長 − 通名:末広誠、 本名:金教換
四代目会津小鉄会会長 通名:高山登久太郎 本名:姜外秀
五代目双愛会会長 − 通名:高村明、 本名:申明雨

六代目酒梅組組長 − 通名:大山光次、 本名:辛景烈
七代目酒梅組組長 − 通名:金山耕三朗、本名:金在鶴
五代目極東会会長 − 通名:松山眞一、 本名:曹圭化
六代目松葉会会長 − 通名:牧野國泰 本名:李 春星
六代目松葉会会長 − 通名:牧野国泰、 本名:李春星
三代目福博会会長 − 通名:長岡寅夫、 本名:金寅純
初代九州誠道会会長 − 通名:村神長二郎、本名:朴植晩
二代目九州誠道会会長 通名:浪川政浩、 本名:朴政浩

■その他 NAVERまとめ:在日韓国・朝鮮人の大物ヤクザ一覧



暴力団 山口組 収入 約8兆円 
東京都が約6兆円、 大阪府が約4兆円、愛知県が2兆円


在日韓国人で暴力団幹部 5度目の詐欺 逮捕も強制送還されず

参考:産経ニュース リンク切れ ↓代用
参考:テレビじゃ流さないニュース簡易版 DX




引用:弁護士ドットコム 5月5日(火)11時37分配信

投稿者は、東京・新宿の歓楽街の歌舞伎町で、客引きに「60分4000円のところを60分で3000円」と説明されて、ある店に入った。席についた女性が酒をふるまったが、「手持ちは1万円しかないので、それで払える範囲で」とボーイに念を押していたという。ところが、会計を頼むと、伝票には「26万400 円」という驚くべき金額が書かれていた。

投稿者は、店のスタッフと一緒に近くの交番まで いったが、警察官 は「民事不介入」を理由に助けてくれなかったそうだ。その場でしばらくスタッフとやり合ったが、相手は「間違った請求はしていない。飲んだ分だけ払っても らう」の一点張り。あきらめて、ATMで金をおろして泣く泣く支払ったという。


◆NHKの報道 内容



アメリカ財務省の発表で 4人中3人が朝鮮(韓国)系と判明

ソース:米財務省 Treasury Sanctions Members of Japanese Criminal Organization
参考:匿名党 「米財務省、山口組幹部で在日朝鮮人の姜弘文と朴泰俊他4人を金融制裁対象に追加 」


氏名:入江忠(いりえ ただし)

通名:橋本弘文(はしもと ひろふみ)
本名:KANG, Hong-Mun、カン・ホンムン

通名:正木年男(まさき としお)
本名:PARK, Nyon-Nam、朴ニョンナム

通名:石田章六(いしだ しょうろく)
本名:PARK, Tae-joon、パク・テジュン

3ヶ月で特殊詐欺で246人検挙 暴力団54.5%




5. 2015年8月31日 13:21:08 : wuTgFF1a8H






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