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“Unprecedented”: Fukushima reactor “far worse than previously thought” — “Melted fuel has come in contact with underground water” — Molten core appears spread over “extensive area” — Japan “will have a much more difficult time decommissioning” — Official: “It’s a very big turning point” (VIDEO)
「未曽有」:福島原子炉は「以前に考えられたよりもはるかに悪い」 - 「溶融燃料は地下水と接触している」 - 溶融したコアが広範囲に拡がって見える - 日本は「廃炉にするのに、より多くの大変な時間がかかる」 - 関係者:「非常に大きな転換点だ」(ビデオ)
Published: January 31st, 2017 at 5:33 pm ET BY ENENEWS
公開:2017年1月31日午後5時33分ET エネニュースによる
Asahi Shimbun, Jan 31, 2017: Images indicate bigger challenge for TEPCO at Fukushima plant… possible melted fuel is seen strewn on grating… Experts believe nuclear fuel melted the paint and components of equipment nearby and has hardened — If confirmed, the first images of melted nuclear fuel at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant show that Tokyo Electric Power Co. will have a much more difficult time decommissioning the battered facility. The condition of what is believed to be melted fuel inside the No. 2 reactor at the plant appears far worse than previously thought…
[I]mages showed black lumps scattered on a wire-mesh grating in the lower part of the containment vessel… This indicates that the fuel melted through bottom of the pressure vessel, spilled through the grating and fell on the floor of the containment vessel… The images could show only part of the melted fuel in the No. 2 reactor. And there is still no indication on how widespread the black lumps were strewn, their volume and state.
Mainichi Daily News, Jan 31, 2017: Footage points to difficulty in removing possible melted fuel at Fukushima plant — The footage released on Jan. 30 by [TEPCO] showing what could be melted fuel inside the No. 2 reactor… has highlighted the difficulty of salvaging the object, which is apparently stuck to footholds and other equipment at the facility… black and brown sediments — possible melted fuel — are stuck inside the reactor’s containment vessel over an extensive area.
毎日新聞英語版、2017年1月31日:映像は、福島原発の溶融燃料を除去することが難しいと指摘する - 1月30日に[東京電力]による2号機原子炉内の燃料が溶融していることを示す映像は… 目標物を回収することの難しさを強調した、そしてそれは明らかに施設の足場やその他の設備に固着している...黒と褐色の堆積物 – おそらく溶融燃料 - は広範囲にわたって原子炉の格納容器の内部に張り付いて(粘着して)いる。
“If what was captured in the footage was melted fuel, that would provide a major step forward toward trying our hand at unprecedented decommissioning work,” said [TEPCO's] Yoshiyuki Ishizaki… there were 548 nuclear fuel rods totaling some 164 metric tons inside the No. 2 reactor… The melted fuel has since come in contact with underground water flowing from the mountain side, generating radioactively contaminated water every day…
Yomiuri Shimbun, Jan 31, 2017: “It’s a very big turning point,” Yuichi Okamura, a senior official at TEPCO’s Nuclear Power and Plant Siting Division, said at a press conference Monday. “We’ve obtained some valuable data toward work to extract melted nuclear fuel.”
Bloomberg, Jan 31, 2017: The unprecedented nature of the Fukushima disaster means that Tepco is pinning its efforts on technology not yet invented to get the melted fuel out of the reactors.
Watch Tepco’s footage from inside Unit 2 here
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