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「Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Against Three California Hospitals
for Using Remdesivir as COVID-19 Treatment Without Informed Consent」
(BY Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit 2022/9/12)
ワトキンス&レトフスキのダニエル・ワトキンス弁護士と、ハミルトン&アソシエーツのマイケル・ハミルトン弁護士は、セント・アグネス・メディカル・センター、 コミュニティ・リージョナル・メディカル・センター、および クロビス・メディカル・センターに対してカリフォルニア州フレスノ郡の上位裁判所に訴訟を起こした。
イベント「レムデシビル死: 画期的な訴訟」で、2人の弁護士が訴状について議論した。
「Truth for Health財団は、公共の安全を守り、患者の権利を守り、生命を守ることで公益に貢献するための人権擁護活動の一環として、この訴訟への資金援助を約束しました。ワトキンス、ハミルトン両弁護士は、Truth for Health Foundationの依頼を受け、法律で保障された人権と市民の権利を守るためのいくつかの法的取り組みに協力しています。私たちの法的防御の取り組みを支援するための寄付は、こちらで受け付けています。"
レムデシビル(製品名ベクルリー) は非常に危険な薬で、死亡者も多く、その結果、
「Dr. Ardis Files Lawsuit For MASS EXTERMINATION:
DEADLY Remdesivir Drug Aims To MURDER MILLIONS!」
(Stew Peters Newwork 動画 字幕なし 28分39秒 2022/10/3)
ブラアン・アーディス博士 「レムデシビルは殺人の薬だと証明された」 (拙稿 2022/5/2)
「レムデシビル臨床試験で、小児 53人中、70%以上に副作用、21%に重篤な有害事象、
3人が死亡、しかし米FDAは使用を承認」 (拙稿 2022/5/1)
「レムデシビル、軽症でも使用へ 従来は中等、重症者向け (共同)」 (拙稿 2022/1/29)
「殺されないための医師に対する医療指示書 (ブライアン・アーディス博士)」 (拙稿 2022/1/20)
「全米ネット民が注目 見せしめと報奨金目当てのために、未接種コロナ患者を殺そうとする
米国の暗黒病院 (Stew Peters Show)」 (拙稿 2022/1/19)
Lawsuits were filed against three California health care providers on grounds they used failed Ebola drug Remdesivir on patients without obtaining informed consent, resulting in the wrongful deaths of several patients, as claimed by two attorneys.
“Attorneys Dan Watkins and Michael Hamilton announced in a national Press Conference on September 7 the filing of their first-in-the-nation landmark lawsuit against three hospitals on behalf of families who had lost their loved ones with the “bounties” paid to hospitals for using the toxic combination of food and fluid restriction, remdesivir, mechanical ventilation, high dose morphine-midazolam respiration-suppressing cocktail to spiral patients down the dark road to death,” according to the news release.
Attorneys Daniel Watkins of Watkins & Letofsky and Michael Hamilton of Hamilton & Associates filed lawsuits in the Superior Court of California in Fresno County against Saint Agnes Medical Center, Community Regional Medical Center, and Clovis Medical Center.
The hospital’s administration, physicians, and nurses are being sued for wrongful death, medical battery, elder abuse, and other violations of patients’ rights.
The two attorneys discussed the complaint at the event “Remdesivir Death: Landmark Lawsuit.”
They were joined by medical experts such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Angie Farella, and Dr. Janci Linsay, all of whom have voiced their opposition to the use of remdesivir, according to Epoch Times.
“There are several healthcare providers, and individuals associated with the care that are also going to be named in lawsuits that have not been yet, and we’re doing that to make sure they’re held accountable for what they did,” said Attorneys Dan Watkins.
According to Watkins, the lawsuit is based on two basic concepts, medical deception and unconsented medical care.
“Truth for Health Foundation has pledged financial support for this lawsuit as one of our human rights defense efforts to serve the public good by helping protect public safety, defend patient rights, and defend life. Both Attorney Watkins and Attorney Hamilton have been engaged by Truth for Health Foundation to assist on several legal initiatives to help defend human and civil rights secured by law. Donations to support our legal defense efforts may be made here:“
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