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下記は村上康文先生のX に載っていた、Ron Reece氏よりの情報です。
しかし、試験管内では実証できたが、生きた動物や人の体内においては、Ron Reece氏の知る限り、ラルフ:バリックは成功しなかったようだ。
2020年3月、Dr.ウラジミール・ゼレンコ博士は、上記にヒントを得て、イオノフォアに、HCQ(ヒドロキシクロロキン)を代用し、人において(=in vivo)、上記の実験を再現することにした。
そして、Dr.ゼレンコは、mRNAウィルスの複製機構のコアである、RNA-dependent RNA ポリメラーゼ(RdRP)を、亜鉛とHCQを用いて複製を阻止することに成功した(人の体内において)。
以下は、Ron Reece氏から村上康文先生への手紙の原文です。
Dear Professor Yasufumi,
I wanted to provide you with some vital information that I have attempted to convey through mutual acquaintances of ours, which whom you have been speaking at length. However, I'm not certain that they understand the complexities of the subject, so I have chosen to address you personally (albeit in English--Sumimasen)
In 2010, Dr. Ralph Baric, who has rightfully garnered scrutiny for his role in the likely Gain of Function research on the SARS-2 virus, conducted research on using Zinc + Pyrithione-- a natural extract of Persian Shallots, to inhibit the RNA dependent RNA Polymerase (RdRP/Replicon) of 3 different RNA viruses, in vitro, SARS-1, Influenza, and Polio.
Merely by use of a natural Zinc Ionophore, Baric was able to disrupt the intracellular Zinc homeostasis, inhibiting the function of the RdRP/Replicon of these 3 RNA viruses. When the Zinc was chelated/removed using mgEDTA, the RdRP/Replicon function resume its viral replication. Baric turned the RdRP on and off like a light switch.
Please note Dr. Baric's name on the following paper:
"Increasing the intracellular Zn2+ concentration with zinc-ionophores like pyrithione (PT) can efficiently impair the replication of a variety of RNA viruses, including poliovirus and influenza virus. For some viruses this effect has been attributed to interference with viral polyprotein processing. In this study we demonstrate that the combination of Zn2+ and PT at low concentrations (2 µM Zn2+ and 2 µM PT) inhibits the replication of SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and equine arteritis virus (EAV) in cell culture."
Baric goes on to state in his Author's Summary:
"Positive-stranded RNA (+RNA) viruses include many important pathogens. They have evolved a variety of replication strategies, but are unified in the fact that an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) functions as the core enzyme of their RNA-synthesizing machinery."
To my knowledge, Dr. Baric FAILED to conduct in vivo animal, or human, testing to verify his amazing in vitro results.
In March, 2020, Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko, unaware of Ralph Baric's authorship of this study, based his Zelenko Protoco (Zinc + HCQ) on Baric's research, and became the FIRST physician to carry out in vivo testing of Baric's research in human subjects.
Zelenko was inspired by this analysis of Baric's research and the hypothesis of using HCQ as the Zinc Ionophore:
Through EARLY treatment in High-Risk patients, Dr. Zelenko was able to reduce hospitalization rates by 84% (peer-reviewed).
"Only diagnosed COVID-19 patients who met the defined risk stratification requirements of group A, B or C received a prescription for the following triple therapy for 5 consecutive days in addition to standard supportive care: zinc sulfate (220 mg capsule once daily, containing 50 mg elemental zinc); HCQ (200 mg twice daily); and azithromycin (500 mg once daily). No loading dose was used."
ARCT-154 is the proposed Self-Amplifying mRNA vaccine to be manufactured by Arcalis in Japan, with a planned production capacity of 1 billion doses per year.
Professor, It is also my understanding that the RdRP/Replicon for ARCT-154 is taken from VEEV (Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus) strain for their SARS-2 sa-mRNA vaccine.
This raises a serious question in my mind. As it appears that the Zelenko Protocol effectively, but temporarily, disrupts the intracellular Zinc homeostasis, the implicit logic suggests that it would also inhibit the function of ARCT-154's RdRP/Replicon as well.
It is also a plausible scenario that the denigration of Zinc + HCQ based early treatments were suppressed in order to protect the, in development, self-amplifying mRNA vaccines/gene therapies.
Based upon RALPH BARIC's in vitro results, and Zelanko's in vivo confirmatory evidence, it provides several strategies for countering ARCT-154 and other self-amplifying mRNA vaccines.
1. Strongly assert that ARCT-154 should be tested in vitro, with transfected cells, replicating Ralph Baric's 2010 methodology, not only with Pyrithione, but also HCQ, and EGCG, as well as Quercetin in order to ascertain whether Zinc and Zinc Ionophore will inhibit it's function.
2. If successful, then replicate Zelenko's protocol, in animal models, preferably Rhesus Macaques, or Ferrets. Rhesus Macaques were used to conduct in vivo testing of Remdesivir, also an RdRP inhibitor, using EARLY treatment methodology:
"Two groups of six rhesus macaques were inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 strain nCoV-WA1-2020. Twelve hours after inoculation, one group was given 10 mg kg−1 intravenous remdesivir and the other group was treated with an equal volume of vehicle solution (2 ml kg−1). Treatment was continued 12 h after the first treatment and every 24 h thereafter with a dose of 5 mg kg−1 remdesivir or an equal volume of vehicle solution"
Remdesivir clearly was highly successful, as EARLY treatment in those in vivo animal experiments. Although lingering controversy remains over its adverse effects in those weakened, inflamed, patients.
However, as you are aware, Remdesivir was only administered to hospitalized patients, who were well beyond their Viral loading, and had proceeded into Inflammatory distress.
The manner in which any form of RdRP inhibitors were utilized for SARS-2/COVID were ineffective.
This is tantamount to an oncologist waiting until their cancer patients were at Stage 3-4 before commencing chemotherapy. Such treatment for cancer would qualify as malpractice, but with regard to RdRP inhibitors, it became standard of (ineffective) care.
Sir, I would submit to you that if Ralph Baric's tests were applied to ARCT-154, you would find similar RdRP/Replicon inhibiting results.
And if such results were achieved, it would greatly demonstrate the efficacy of EARLY outpatient treatment using NATURAL ingredients, Zinc and EGCG (Green Tea Extract), of which I understand you are quite fond of.
I would also submit to you that one of the major problem with increasing vulnerability to RNA Viruses is the increasing incidences of Zinc deficiency in the human population, especially the elderly, who are less able to absorb sufficient Zinc.
If you have any questions, or comments for me outside of this group, please ask Michael Yon, or Masako Ganaha to put you in touch with me.
I hope that I have provided some thoughtful science backed evidence for your consideration. I believe it provides strong tools for Japan to lead the way in repelling the WHO treaty, as well as the Self-Amplifying mRNA gene-therapies/vaccines that greatly endanger us.
But even more, it holds the promise of applying EARLY treatment of NATURAL RdRP/Replicon inhibitors that every individual, Japanese, or around the globe, can utilize to protect themselves from both RNA viruses, as well as the Self-Amplifying mRNA technologies.
I pray that Google translated that correctly.. 😊
Yours truly,
Ron Reece
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