★阿修羅♪ > mx3vQhjzOkU > 100000
g検索 mx3vQhjzOkU  
mx3vQhjzOkU コメント履歴 No: 100000
[政治・選挙・NHK228] 皆んなでアイデアだして国連選挙監視団を日本へ来てもら方法を見つけよう。 知る大切さ
33. 2017年6月30日 20:20:49 : 68oB5Oo62g : mx3vQhjzOkU[1]

United Nations electoral assistance
"Requests from political parties, civil society or other entities cannot be considered.”


Requesting Assistance
While most assistance originates with a Member State request, United Nations electoral assistance may also be provided at the request of the Security Council or the General Assembly, as is often the case when peacekeeping or peace building missions are established with electoral components. However, UN electoral assistance must also be agreed to by the relevant Member State

The preconditions and guidelines for United Nations electoral assistance are described in the Secretary-General's report A/49/675, under Annex III. The principal guidelines and procedures are described below:

Requests for electoral assistance must be made by an organ of the Member State authorized to bind the state in agreements with the UN. National electoral management bodies do not normally have this authority, but their requests may sometimes be acceptable. Requests from political parties, civil society or other entities cannot be considered.


[政治・選挙・NHK228] 都議選報道でテレビ朝日が「自民と都民ファは同等に、他は半分で」とメール通達! 背後に安倍政権への忖度(リテラ) 赤かぶ
11. 2017年6月30日 21:29:58 : 68oB5Oo62g : mx3vQhjzOkU[2]

 自民 60 (1.00)
 都民 50 (0.83)
 共産 37 (0.62)
 公明 23 (0.38)
 民進 23 (0.38)
 ネット 4 (0.07)
 維新 4 (0.07)
 社民 1 (0.02)
 諸派 17
 無所属 40
 計 259
 自民 57 (1.00)
 公明 22 (0.37)
 共産 17 (0.28)
 民進 7 (0.12)
 都民 6 (0.10)
 ネット 3 (0.05)
 維新 1 (0.02)
 社民 0 (0.00)
 諸派 0
 無所属 3
[政治・選挙・NHK228] 都議選報道でテレビ朝日が「自民と都民ファは同等に、他は半分で」とメール通達! 背後に安倍政権への忖度(リテラ) 赤かぶ
12. 2017年6月30日 21:35:06 : 68oB5Oo62g : mx3vQhjzOkU[3]

 無所属 13


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