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[政治・選挙・NHK219] 野党共闘より政策共闘の方が大事で有効ー(植草一秀氏) 赤かぶ
13. 宇宙の塵[6] iUaSiILMkG8 2017年1月28日 13:05:13 : GYwIhlWOpQ : Sed9x@nQemo[1]







[政治・選挙・NHK219] 漢字が読めない安倍首相の醜態を一切報じない大手メディアー(天木直人氏) 赤かぶ
50. 宇宙の塵[7] iUaSiILMkG8 2017年1月28日 18:45:55 : GYwIhlWOpQ : Sed9x@nQemo[2]
>>20. で言及した16日付け天声人語の英訳版が掲載されたので、行き掛かり上ここに入れておく。
Pressed by the opposition bloc on Jan. 24 to correct his statement, Abe shot back forcefully, "The demand for a correction and so on is inappropriate."

The Japanese for "and so on" is "un-nun." But Abe said "den-den," which has no meaning. He probably misread the word, as the kanji characters for "un-nun" can be also pronounced "den-den."

A massive rally was held in front of the Imperial Palace in May 1946, when the entire nation was still in the grips of a dire postwar food shortage.

A demonstrator held up a handwritten placard that read, "I, the Emperor, have eaten to my heart's content, but you, my subjects, should starve to death! Gyomei Gyoji (Seal of His Imperial Majesty, The Emperor)."

A police officer saw this, and the demonstrator was indicted for lese-majesty.

Known as "Purakado Jiken" (placard incident), I learned about this when I was at university. While I could not support the extreme language, the biting satire that underlay this message left an indelible impression.

I recalled this incident after I heard Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's policy speech on Jan. 20.

"It is not productive to keep criticizing just for the sake of criticism, or to hoist placards in the Diet, the seat of political deliberation," Abe said.

The prime minister was taking a dig at opposition party members who repeatedly held up signboards protesting the ruling coalition's conduct, including the railroading of bills.

Abe's comment was backed by Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party who stated, "Even children can understand it's wrong to bring signboards into the hallowed halls of the Diet."

The fact, however, is that LDP legislators were just as guilty of it back when the party was out of power. An archival search of media reports and photos from that period yielded ample examples of LDP signboards being hoisted during Diet sessions, bearing angry messages such as "The Speaker of the House must ensure fair proceedings," "Stop this tyranny of numbers" and "This is the 10th bill being steamrolled."

Pressed by the opposition bloc on Jan. 24 to correct his statement, Abe shot back forcefully, "The demand for a correction and so on is inappropriate."

The Japanese for "and so on" is "un-nun." But Abe said "den-den," which has no meaning. He probably misread the word, as the kanji characters for "un-nun" can be also pronounced "den-den."

A jumble of placards in the Diet is not a pretty sight, I must say. But then, is this so big a deal that the prime minister has to make a point of carping about it?

It is "not productive" to attack the placards.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 26
Vox Populi



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