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endpQmxIamUzT3M= コメント履歴 No: 100000
[原発・フッ素53] 五輪心臓部と731部隊<本澤二郎の「日本の風景」(4132)<731人体実験の連鎖=原爆投下後の被ばく調査=311フク… 赤かぶ
2. 2021年7月03日 11:01:59 : EgFRu3ndhU : endpQmxIamUzT3M=[1]



@ 昭和天皇裕仁の生物兵器への関心は、良子の父親久邇宮邦彦による感化であるかどうかは、分からない。

> Kuni communicated to Hirohito a lasting enthusiasm for air planes, tanks, and biological warfare.

A 皇后良子は、裕仁の趣味(生物毒研究)の魅力を、十分に理解できなかった。、しかし、良子の老いた父親も生物兵器戦争の信奉者であった。

> She was a practical political woman who did not fully understand the fascinations of his hobby, but her aged father, Prince Kuni, was also an enthusiast for biological warfare and

B 裕仁は、陸軍大演習の帰り道、紀伊半島沖に停泊した船上で、細菌・化学兵器を研究する研究所の所員と話をする機会を持った。

> Hirohito, on his way home, had had his battleship heave to off the Kii Peninsula so that he could spend a day there with the scientists of a biological institute specializing in bacteriological and chemical warfare studies.

C 侍従の鈴木貫太郎が、裕仁に、「話は退屈ではないか」とたずねたところ、裕仁は、「理解できれば、有益なことが、学べる」と答えたという。

> ・・・・said Hirohito. “If you understood, you would find many useful things to be learned here.”

D 日本の細菌戦争研究のパトロンは、昭和天皇裕仁と皇后良子の父親、久邇宮邦彦である。

> Japan’s biological warfare research, sponsored by Hirohito and Empress Nagako’s late father, Prince Kuni.

E 陽厳o(Yang Yan-jun)氏が書いた{Unit 731」では、731部隊の医師が、半死半生の日本兵Sudō Yoshioを、生きたまま解剖したことが述べられている。「鬼畜生」と言って、息絶えたそうだ。

> Because of the effect of the disinfectant, Sudō became conscious and opened his blank eyes to look around.Whenever he moved, a rope around his neck tightened. After Suzuki carefully checked Sudō’s whole body, he ordered dissection to begin.・・・・Uno pierced Sudō’s upper stomach and sliced downwards. Blood flowed into a pool on the dissection table. Shouting ‘Brute!’ Sudō died with this last word.


[政治・選挙・NHK281] 東京五輪強行開催と太平洋戦争に類似点「楽観論」に「頻繁に変わる大義名分」も〈AERA〉[後は焼け野原までとまらない?] 戦争とはこういう物
13. 2021年7月03日 13:10:53 : EgFRu3ndhU : endpQmxIamUzT3M=[2]
> 1940年(昭和15年)10月1日、企画院内で総力戦研究所の開所式が執り行われた。




> Hirohito’s Court, in October 1940, activated its back-up plan for safeguarding the Throne in case the war should end in defeat.(以下、バーガミニからの引用。)



> After this world war, the United States and the U.S.S.R. may unquestionably emerge unhurt when all other nations are devastated. I can imagine, therefore, that our country, which is placed between these two giants, may face great hardships. However, there is no need for despair. When these two lose the competition of other countries in their respective vicinities, they will grow careless and corrupt. We will simply have to sleep in the woodshed and eat bitter fruits for a few decades. Then when we have refurbished our manliness inside and out, we may still achieve a favorable result.




> It is my opinion that in order to fight the United States we must be ready to challenge almost the entire world. ... I shall exert myself to the utmost but I expect to die on the deck of my flagship, the battleship Nagato. In those evil days you will see Tokyo burnt to the ground at least three times.



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