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5. 2021年2月10日 21:34:17 : pBeMYkhuVI : VnVlaUhXZVlrTnc=[1]
Edomond de Rothschild: All Eyes on Ariane

Edomond de Rothschild lost its chairman as it wraps a major revamp. His widow and several other influential women decide where to take the bank without him.

His wife, Ariane de Rothschild, chairs the bank and orchestrated its recent strategy overhaul. An ex-trader and «extraordinary fighter,» she amassed influence as her husband, who took over the bank at 34, increasingly retreated.

Benjamin, who had never shown an inclination for high society or rubbing shoulders with powerful politicians, was known in Genevoise parlance as «eccentric»: he might disappear for months at a time, for example.

«He was very nice when he could have a conversation, but the serious stuff was basically her [Ariane],» a Genevan banker told finews.com. There is no shortage of similar anecdotes about Benjamin, who reportedly struggled with substance abuse for years.

He admitted possession of heroin in 1997 and briefly detained in Paris in 2007 over an incident with a laser pointer and a police officer. «He was an absentee CEO, not by neglect, but his direction of travel was other than banking», as another long-standing observer told finews.com.



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