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「Mindblowing: Pfizer ADMITS in won documents it likely can't demonstrate
sufficient efficacy or safety of its COVID-19 vaccines to get permanent use approval」
(PLANET TODAY 2022/5/10)
「驚愕: ファイザーは、自社のCOVID-19ワクチンについて、永久使用承認を得るための十分な有効性と安全性を実証できない可能性が高いことを自社文書で認めていた」
■ ファイザーの関心は投資家のリスク要因のみ、自社のワクチン被害者のリスク要因には無関心
・ 当社の収益はCOVID-19ワクチンの売上に大きく依存しており、COVID-19ワクチンからの将来の収益は不確実です。
・ 当社の商業収益はファイザー社(Pfizer Inc.)ないしファイザーからのCOVID-19ワクチンの売上およびコストの仮見積りに基づいており、将来変更される可能性があり、当社の報告業績に影響を与えることになります。
■ ファイザー、5歳以下の子供に3回接種を推し進める
(Planet Today) It is a sad state of affairs when the leading manufacturers of vaccines confess that their own favorite mantra of “safe and effective” means nothing and has been fabricated as propaganda to push their dangerous experiment solely for profits. This is not some rogue doctor’s opinion, or some journalists spreading “misinformation,” but rather the manufacturers themselves admitting in their own exposed documents that their gene therapy injections for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are dangerous, ineffective and will probably NEVER pass clinical trials in an acceptable way for an actual approval for standard use.
Pfizer admits in their own documents: “We may not be able to demonstrate sufficient efficacy or safety of our COVID-19 vaccine and/or variant specific formulations to obtain permanent regulatory approval in the United States, United Kingdom, European Union or other countries where it has been authorized for emergency use or granted conditional marketing approval.”
Pfizer’s only concern is risk factors for investors, not risk factors for victims of their vaccine damage
The only reason we, as Americans, patients, consumers and even vaccinated people, know this information is because Pfizer could get sued by the INVESTORS if they did not disclose the dangers of the vaccine, lack of safety and lack of efficacy to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
This is straight from Pfizer’s annual report given to the SEC about how “profitable” their vaccine will be for shareholders. It states the following in the “Risk Factors for investors/shareholder’s section:
・ Our revenue depends heavily on sales of our COVID-19 vaccine, and our future revenues from our COVID-19 vaccine are uncertain.
・ Our commercial revenue is based on preliminary estimates of COVID-19 vaccine sales and costs from Pfizer Inc., or Pfizer, that are likely to change in future periods, which will impact our reported financial results.
Pfizer pushes for a three-shot combo for kids under five
Pfizer top drug dealers said recently that they expect to submit to regulators by early June data on the lack of safety or efficacy (like their current jabs) of a three-shot combination of their deadly jab, now to be marketed for children under the age of five. It’s not enough to jab pregnant women with their toxins and cause spontaneous abortions and miscarriages, and it’s not enough to cause healthy people who don’t need the shots myocarditis and blood clots, so now Pfizer wants to reduce the population of children one to four years young. This comes after their jabs have already been proven ineffective in kids in that age range. Imagine that.
Now their own published documents have revealed the greedy, crooked crooks they really are, and for the whole world to witness. The emergency use authorization was the ONLY way these toxic jabs could have been used, and the only way they can continually be used, since they don’t pass any kinds of safety or efficacy tests, clinical trials, research, peer-reviews, nothing.
Watch this excellent podcaster coverage about Pfizer’s greed, carelessness, and admissions about their dangerous “vaccines” on Facebook. It is mind-boggling that Pfizer is literally getting away with murder.
「ファイザーにアメリカ史上最大額の刑事賠償 (The Joe Rogan Experience)」
(拙稿 2022/1/12)
「ファイザーは前科75犯、制裁金1兆円以上の犯罪企業」 (拙稿 2022/1/13)
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