★阿修羅♪ > vfWX8wOIZ_c > 100000
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vfWX8wOIZ_c コメント履歴 No: 100000
[原発・フッ素50] 前双葉町長が語る 地震当日夜9時に東電社員とその家族は… (日刊ゲンダイ)  魑魅魍魎男
10. 2018年12月23日 21:32:15 : gZgNNSpkwU : vfWX8wOIZ_c[1]
> 11日の夜9時すぎには、東電の社員も家族もだれ一人双葉町に残っていなかった。




> 3月12日の昼。役場の南側の窓に設置していた線量計の針が振り切れたという。



[政治・選挙・NHK255] 「安倍政権と対極の天皇陛下」とサンモニの青木理!   赤かぶ
2. 2018年12月23日 21:43:31 : gZgNNSpkwU : vfWX8wOIZ_c[2]



[政治・選挙・NHK255] 百田尚樹がローラを「牝ガエル」呼ばわり! 辺野古反対署名めぐり安倍応援団がデマと詐術だらけのローラ攻撃(リテラ) 赤かぶ
35. 2018年12月23日 21:48:31 : gZgNNSpkwU : vfWX8wOIZ_c[3]


[戦争b22] 自衛隊機が韓国軍からレーダー照射 防衛相が抗議 韓国の艦船がレーダー照射 「友好国としてあり得ない」と外務省幹部  うまき
66. 2018年12月23日 22:10:30 : gZgNNSpkwU : vfWX8wOIZ_c[4]


> 日本が、自分の主張に自信を持っているならば、何故、詳細なデータが公開されないのか?(上の中国艦艇レーダー照射事件でも、詳細は公表されていない。)

> 火器管制レーダーを受けたことを理由として、攻撃していたら、世界は紛争だらけになる







[国際24] プーチン大統領記者会見、露日関係について(在日ロシア連邦大使館) 無段活用
3. 2018年12月23日 22:16:51 : gZgNNSpkwU : vfWX8wOIZ_c[5]

> Dmitry Peskov: Are there, in addition to the Ukrainian media, media representatives from other countries as well? Our Japanese colleagues from Kyodo Tsushin in the middle of this centre section, please, take the floor. Please, pass the microphone there.

Hirofumi Sugizaki: Good afternoon, Mr President.

Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon.

Hirofumi Sugizaki: Hirofumi Sugizaki,Kyodo Tsushin, Japan.

It is natural that my question is, unfortunately, about the peace treaty that, as I understand, our countries are seeking to sign. After your meeting with Mr Shinzo Abe in Singapore, where you agreed to push the negotiating process forward on the basis of the Soviet-Japanese Declaration of 1956, our public’s only concern is about how many islands we are going to get: nil, two, three or four – we do not know. On the other hand, as I understand, the Russians are also puzzled, as they mainly ask questions like, “Why should we return them?” Some people even approach us with a threat: “We will not yield an inch of our land.” And so on. The question is about the delimitation that we must carry out. But if our new treaty – a peace treaty – is confined to the delimitation of borders, this will not be enough and will not be interesting to our nations, and people will not understand this. What new idea do you think should be embedded in a treaty to bring our relations to a new level?

There is another question that I cannot fail to ask in connection with the above. Russia – and you yourself – has brought up security issues recently, I mean the deployment of the US missile defence system in Japan and the possibility of deploying American troops and military infrastructure on the islands should they be transferred to Japan. We are holding negotiations at an expert level, but in military matters Japan almost fully depends on the US. Do you think these issues can be resolved on a bilateral basis, or will you have to deal directly with the US? Thank you very much


[国際24] プーチン大統領記者会見、露日関係について(在日ロシア連邦大使館) 無段活用
4. 2018年12月23日 22:19:33 : gZgNNSpkwU : vfWX8wOIZ_c[6]

> Vladimir Putin: Let us talk about the final part of your question so that we do not forget what you said. The issues of security are crucially important, including when signing a peace treaty. You spoke about the deployment of the US military infrastructure in Japan, but it is already there, the largest US base is in Okinawa, it has been there for decades, as we know.

Now, about Japan’s ability to take part in this decision-making. To us, this is an unclear, closed issue. We do not understand the level of Japan’s sovereignty in making such decisions. You know better than all other colleagues, and I know too that the Okinawa Governor is opposed to some decisions related to improving and expanding the base. He is against it, but he cannot do anything about it. People who live there are also against it.

There is a lot of evidence of that; there have been opinion polls and protests demanding the withdrawal of this base. And, in any case, they are opposed to strengthening the US Air Force part of the base that is there. There are plans to improve and expand it, and it is happening despite the fact that everybody is against it.

We do not know what will happen after the peace treaty is concluded, but without an answer to this question it will be very difficult to make any crucial decisions. And, of course, we are concerned about the plans to place ABM systems there. I told the United States this many times and I will repeat again that we do not consider this to be defensive weapons; this is part of the US strategic nuclear potential placed outside. And these systems, they are synchronised with the missile strike systems.

So there are no illusions and we understand everything. But nevertheless we are sincerely striving and will strive to sign a peace treaty with Japan. It is because I am confident, and Prime Minister Abe shares my confidence, that the current state of affairs is not normal. Both Japan and Russia are interested in a complete settlement of our relations, and it is not only because we need something from Japan in terms of the economy. Our economy is more or less developing.

Just this morning, Economic Development Minister Maxim Oreshkin reported on his trip to Japan. There is some progress, including an agreement on deliveries, on opening the Japanese market to Russian meat and poultry products. There are other improvements as well. Therefore, we are moving forward, and will continue to move forward, as it will be necessary. But the normalisation is important to us, both for Russia and Japan. It is a difficult process, but we are ready to move forward together with our colleagues.


[国際24] <パリ発>国営放送にデモ ネットにもテレビ受信料「政府広報に払いたくない」(田中龍作ジャーナル) 赤かぶ
3. 2018年12月23日 22:28:03 : gZgNNSpkwU : vfWX8wOIZ_c[7]




[国際24] 電磁波で電離圏を撹乱させる実験を中国とロシアが共同実施──GPS信号妨害との関連は不明(ニューズウィーク) 赤かぶ
2. 2018年12月23日 22:37:51 : gZgNNSpkwU : vfWX8wOIZ_c[8]
> 北大西洋条約機構(NATO)がノルウェーで実施した演習後に、ロシア軍がGPS信号の妨害を図ったことを明らかにする






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