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[] 相対性理論はインチキだろう.
116. 2022年6月29日 12:40:00 : d9oXamQRjK : b0ZzT2o0WHcyMzY=[1]
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (an essay)  (クリ)

This is an idea. In this problem, planets seem to be treated as a point. Now, planet is divided into two hemispheres. One is closer to Sun and the other is far from Sun (back to back). If the planet is far from Sun, centrifugal force and gravity each acting on two hemispheres will be the same(1/2). But, how about Mercury? We must imagine a spherical surface that centers on Sun, and this spherical surface coincides with center of Mercury ? And then, in whole Mercury, centrifugal force will be larger and gravity will be smaller. It is compared to Mercury as a point.

Sorry, please ignore my two posts immediately preceding this one.


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