★阿修羅♪ > cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU= > 100000
g検索 cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=  
cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU= コメント履歴 No: 100000
[政治・選挙・NHK272] アベノミクス目玉のカジノは頓挫か 米大手が日本進出断念(日刊ゲンダイ) 赤かぶ
25. 2021年4月03日 11:52:57 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[1]
日本版カジノ、ポーカーやバカラなど9種類OK 政府管理委が案





[政治・選挙・NHK277] 警察は腐っている!<本澤二郎の「日本の風景」(3919)<元警部補二人の「警察正常化協議会」裏金追及に驚き> 赤かぶ
8. 2021年4月03日 12:06:52 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[2]
酔って抵抗できない女性に性交の疑い 警察官を書類送検




[経世済民134] ニトリ、コロナ禍でも増収増益の“異次元の強さ”…大手アパレル買収観測が浮上(Business Journal) 赤かぶ
6. 2021年4月03日 12:34:49 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[3]
ニトリ販売品から発がん性アスベスト検出問題 過去最多の9製品240万個超回収へ 中国の1社で製造 今後も同様事例が?





多く販売された順で、「カイテキサラサラ バスマット 40×55」102万4273個、「カイテキサラサラ バスマット1 29×39 IV」70万3435個、「サラサラ コースター RO」34万6523個などがある。



[原発・フッ素52] 柏崎刈羽原発で電源盤から発火 (NHK 新潟)  魑魅魍魎男
5. 2021年4月03日 13:15:13 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[4]
2014年4月1日 7:00

「ポスト・スマートフォン(スマホ)」として、にわかに注目度が高まっている身に着ける情報端末、いわゆるウエアラブル端末。その代表的な存在と言えるのが、米Google(グーグル)が開発を進めているメガネ型端末「Google Glass(グーグル・グラス)」だ。すでにGoogle Glassを試用した一部の開発者からは、「デジタル・ライフが一変した」との声も聞こえてくる。本当にそうなのか、もし普及したら我々の生活をどう変えていく可能性があるのか――。Google Glassを購入して「グラス生活」を送っている、米シリコンバレー在住のベンチャークレフ代表・宮本和明氏に、Google Glass が我々の生活に与えるインパクトを解説してもらう。連載第3回は、火災や交通事故など人命救助におけるGoogle Glass活用の可能性を紹介する。
Google Glassは消防活動でも使われている。消防隊員はGoogle Glassを装着して現場に急行し、消防活動で必要な情報にハンズフリーでアクセスする。パトロールにGoogle Glassを導入する警察も出てきた。米国の消防と警察がGoogle Glassの可能性に着目し、実証実験を開始している。

ノースカロライナ州ロッキー・マウント市は、Google Glassを消防活動に導入し、その有効性を検証している。消防隊員のパトリック・ジャクソン氏は、ソフトウエア・エンジニアでもあり、Google Glass向けに自らアプリを開発し、消火・救助活動に展開している。

火災が発生すると、消防隊員が装着しているGoogle Glassにアラートが配信され、火災現場の情報がカード形式で表示される。消防隊員はGoogle Glassで火災現場を確認し、現場に急行する。上の写真はその様子で、消防隊員が着装しているGoogle Glassに、火災現場の住所と地図が表示され、位置を確認しながら消防車を出動させる。

Google Glassで建造物の構造把握
現場に到着すると、消防隊員は、音声でGoogle Glassを操作する。下の写真はそのデモで、隊員は「show the floorplan」とGoogle Glassに音声で指示し、建造物レイアウトの表示を要求する。


また「find a hydrant(消火栓)」と指示すれば、Google Glassは近くの消火栓の場所をディスプレイに表示する。建造物の危険個所を表示したり、建造物所有者の連絡先情報を表示する機能も計画されている。

酸素マスクをしたままでGoogle Glassを着装する方式や、煙の中で火災が起きている位置を表示する機能も検討されている。火災現場では、Google Glassをハンズフリーで操作できることは大きな利点となるのだ。

交通事故現場ではGoogle Glassを使って救助活動を行う。大破した自動車から搭乗者を救助する時、Google Glassにその手順を表示する。

下の左写真はそのデモの様子で、事故現場で隊員は「show extraction diagram」と音声で指示し、搭乗者を救助するため、自動車を切り開く場所の情報を表示する。これに続いて、隊員は自動車の型式と製造年を音声で入力する。

Google Glassは警察でも採用の動きが広がっている。ニューヨーク市警察(NYPD)は、Google Glassを2セット入手し、パトロールで活用する方法の検討を始めた(下の写真)。Google Glassの具体的利用法については公表していないが、ニューヨーク市警察がGoogle Glassを採用する方向に向かっており、全米の警察からその活用法に注目が集まっている。

[原発・フッ素43] 神奈川のチタン工場で火事、砂を使った消火活動続く (TBS) 魑魅魍魎男
5. 2021年4月03日 13:17:47 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[5]
“火気厳禁”の化学工場にタブレットとスマートグラスを導入 特殊な環境ならではの課題解決方法とは?
2020年08月27日 10時00分 公開

化学・合成樹脂メーカーの三井・ダウ ポリケミカルは、距離がある環境下での安全性向上を実現する為、ソリューション・プロバイダーである横河ソリューションサービスの提案によるフィールドワークスタイル変革を実施。“火気厳禁”の工場内防爆エリアで使う作業者の遠隔支援にWeb会議システムを導入し、防爆仕様のタブレットと防爆仕様のスマートグラスを追加採用した。その理由とは?

 三井・ダウ ポリケミカルは、日本を代表する総合化学メーカーである三井化学株式会社と、素材科学リューション・プロバイダーとして世界をリードする米国ダウ・ケミカル社との合弁会社だ。1960年12月の設立以来、エチレン系機能性樹脂の製造・販売を中核としてきた。




 幸いなことに、iPadには日本国内の防爆認証「TIIS Zone-1」に対応したサードパーティー製の防爆ケースが提供されている。



iPadを業務で使いはじめた三井・ダウ ポリケミカルの大竹工場では、すぐさま作業現場の遠隔支援でメリットを感じられた。その反面、課題も見つかった。




[政治・選挙・NHK212] フリーメイソン 安倍内閣にもメンバーがいた(SAPIO) 赤かぶ
5. 2021年4月03日 13:44:09 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[6]
2015年11月24日 20:42 発信地:ロンドン/英国 [ ヨーロッパ 英国 ]

【11月24日 AFP】秘密結社などといわれる「フリーメイソン(Freemason)」の190年分、200万人の名簿がインターネット上で公開された。大英帝国時代に政治家のウィンストン・チャーチル(Winston Churchill)や作家のオスカー・ワイルド(Oscar Wilde)、ラドヤード・キプリング(Rudyard Kipling)らが会員だったことが示されている。


 フリーメイソンは中世の英国で、商工業者らの同業者組合(ギルド)から発祥し、儀式やシンボルを多用する男性結社となっていった。今回公開された記録は、ロンドン(London)にある「ユナイテッド・グランドロッジ・オブ・イングランド(United Grand Lodge of England)」に保管されていた原本から取得された。

 デーリー・テレグラフ(Daily Telegraph)紙によれば、今回の記録には警察官5500人、判事170人、国会議員169人、司祭16人、インド人の王子1人が含まれている。また会員に多い職業として技師、商人、官吏、農民などを挙げている。



[国際29] <朝日新聞、カラクリ暴露!>プーチン氏、続投可能に 最長で36年まで ロシア改正憲法成立へ<「領土割譲禁止」北方領土交… 赤かぶ
19. 2021年4月03日 14:22:47 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[7]
















[国際29] <朝日新聞、カラクリ暴露!>プーチン氏、続投可能に 最長で36年まで ロシア改正憲法成立へ<「領土割譲禁止」北方領土交… 赤かぶ
20. 2021年4月03日 14:28:45 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[8]
ロシア国民投票、8割近くが改憲賛成 最終結果
2020年7月2日 19:56 発信地:モスクワ/ロシア [ ロシア ロシア・CIS ]

【7月2日 AFP】(更新)ロシアで1日に投開票が行われた憲法改正の是非を問う国民投票で、中央選挙管理委員会(Central Election Commission)は2日、賛成率が77.92%になったとの最終開票結果を発表した。憲法改正案にはウラジーミル・プーチン(Vladimir Putin)大統領の2036年までの続投を可能にする条項も盛り込まれており、選管はロシア国民が改憲を圧倒的に支持したとしている。




 プーチン政権批判の急先鋒(せんぽう)で野党勢力指導者のアレクセイ・ナワリヌイ(Alexei Navalny)氏は、改正への支持が圧倒的との中間結果が明らかになった時、現実を反映していない「大いなるうそ」だと表現した。

[] 石油大手ユコス社長を拘束  ロシア連邦保安局
1. 2021年4月03日 14:38:57 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[9]
中央アフリカ共和国で露ジャーナリスト3人死亡 背景に疑問が












[] じねん日々雑感より 03/07/17
1. 2021年4月03日 14:52:07 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[10]








[経世済民111] 資産を失いプーチンに怒られた富豪は誰?[富豪のトリビア45 -Part7](Forbes JAPAN) 赤かぶ
2. 2021年4月03日 16:12:50 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[11]

A Belarusian model who claims to have information tying Russia to Donald Trump's election campaign says she has since turned that material over to Russian billionaire businessman Oleg Deripaska.

Anastasia Vashukevich fueled speculation around possible ties between Mr Trump and the Kremlin last year when she posted a video from a police van, saying she had 16 hours of audio and video proving ties between Russian officials and the Trump campaign that influenced the 2016 US elections.

Deripaska denied the allegations and even went to court to seek to remove the video Vashukevich posted in which he discusses US-Russia ties with a senior Russian government official.

Vashukevich, who is also known as Nastya Rybka, returned to Russia last month almost a year after she was detained in Thailand on charges of soliciting sex, in what some believe was an attempt to silence her.

Vashukevich, 28, told the AP in an interview today that, contrary to earlier reports that she had destroyed the recordings, she had given them to Deripaska because it "relates to him" and that she "did not want any more trouble".

Vashukevich rose to prominence in February last year when Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny published an investigation detailing dealings between Deripaska and Sergei Prikhodko, then-Russian deputy prime minister who played a prominent role in shaping Russia's foreign policy.

Mr Navalny drew on Vashukevich's video from summer 2016 when Deripaska was hosting Mr Prikhodko on his yacht and was caught on tape saying that relations between Russia and the US were bad because of then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.

Deripaska is close to Putin and also had a working relationship with Paul Manafort, Mr Trump's former campaign manager.

[経世済民111] 資産を失いプーチンに怒られた富豪は誰?[富豪のトリビア45 -Part7](Forbes JAPAN) 赤かぶ
3. 2021年4月03日 16:43:48 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[12]

Claims made to 'save my life'

She told CNN from a Thai detention center last year that she witnessed meetings between Deripaska and at least three unnamed Americans. Now back in Moscow, she says the claims she made to the media were an attempt to get media attention to save her life.

Asked if she regretted making those claims about the evidence she had, Vashukevich said, "I think it saved my life, how can I regret it? If journalists had not come at that time and that story had not come to the newspapers, maybe I would die [be dead by] now."

Deripaska denies any affair with Vashukevich, but he remains a subject of major political interest in US political circles. Trump has denied claims that his campaign colluded with Russians.

Vashukevich apologized to Deripaska for hurting his reputation during a court appearance in Moscow prior to her release.

Deripaska was back in the spotlight this weekend, after the Trump administration's Treasury Department formally lifted sanctions on three Russian firms with links to the billionaire, including Rusal, the world's second-largest aluminum producer.

In her interview with CNN, Vashukevich described her year in a Thai prison as "hell," and said she had contemplated suicide if she was handed a lengthy sentence.

"It's like a blockbuster and I'm inside," she said. "But it's not a movie, it's my life."

[国際20] パナマ文書報道に参加の記者暗殺 自動車に爆弾を仕掛けられ(ロイター) 赤かぶ
3. 2021年4月03日 17:48:43 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[13]

Two PN members who were suspended by the Nationalist Party for being freemasons, have been photographed in the party’s Hamrun club posing with leadership candidate Adrian Delia and backers Kristy and Jean-Pierre Debono.

Olvin Galea and Jonathan Pace were long-time canvassers for Mario de Marco, but in 2015 were suspended by the PN after MaltaToday revealed they were freemasons. The PN’s statute prohibits members from being freemasons.

Church media Newsbook.com.mt published the group photo, latching on to PN official Karol Aquilina's claims about freemasonry in the PN leadership election, and reported Delia as saying he had no idea that two men had been freemasons.

Freemasonry became a minor theme in the taut PN leadership campaign after Karol Aquilina, the president of the PN’s administrative council, posted an enigmatic message on Facebook suggesting that freemasonry “would be the worst thing to happen to the party”. It was interpreted as a dig at Adrian Delia, after the administrative council issued a statement calling on the newcomer to “reconsider” his candidature following a PN ethics inquiry dealing with an offshore client account he serviced.

When asked by Newsbook.com.mt about the status message he posted, Aquilina was equally enigmatic: “Malta is small, its people are well-known. It is clear for anyone to see.”

Delia has denied being a freemason.

The Nationalist Party is the only Maltese party whose code of ethics specifically forbids Nationalist Party officials, MPs, local councillors, party candidates, members of Executive Committees of PN movements, sectional committees and party committees, from being freemasons.

Both Galea and Pace are actively involved in the PN’s Hamrun sectional committee, and the former had a vote in the PN general council which elected the PN deputy leader in December 2012.

A spokesperson for the PN had said membership of the PN and a secret society were “incompatible”. “The moment the membership of Mr Galea and Mr Pace in the Malta Grand Lodge became publicly known, they automatically stopped being members of the party. The matter is being referred to the Administrative Council of the party for its consideration.”


[政治・選挙・NHK255] ジャーナリストの死と、ジャーナリズムの沈黙(フォトジャーナリスト・安田菜津紀のツイッターより。COMEMO転載版)  肝話窮題
6. 2021年4月03日 18:07:13 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[14]

Italian police investigators had been intercepting phone-calls from Darren Debono for two years in a bid to dismantle a €30 million fuel smuggling ring. The former Malta international footballer, today a restaurateur, used his fishing boats to transport smuggled fuel out of Libya so that it could be resold in Italian ports. He was arrested last week on the island of Lampedusa.

Debono formed part of a crime syndicate with Libyan smuggling kingpin Fahmi Bin Khalifa who was arrested in August by a Tripoli militia, and a Sicilian mafia associate, Nicola Orazio Romeo. Another Maltese associate, Gordon Debono, was arrested in Catania on the heels of the police operation ‘Dirty Oil’.

According to the dossier compiled by the Catanese prosecutor, the Italian investigators spent two years tapping Debono’s Maltese mobile phone – suggesting cooperation from the Malta Security Services. The interceptions depict Debono as the crucial link that made possible the transportation of Libyan oil to Italian markets, with the help of Gordon Debono, to issue false invoices.

But it was the role of investigative journalists, such as Anne Marlowe and the Wall Street Journal, which tipped the United Nations into probing the movements of Debono’s ships.

From then on, Debono found a brick wall to get his shipments validated by the Chamber of Commerce in Malta.

“I’ve spoken to the whole world over here in Malta,” a frustrated Debono says in a June 2016 call to his Italian market buyer, Marco Porta of Maxcom Bunker SpA.

“This woman here is waiting for some email to take a decision, and this son of a bitch… well it’s for nothing, because of the minister, she’s been signing everything for the last 30 years and she wants to be sure 100%,” Debono says, telling Porta he was at the foreign ministry, seeking clearance for his cargos.

But according to the Italian police dossier, at some point Debono would have suggested that the UN report would have retracted certain incriminating paragraphs in his regard “thanks to some possible connivance with persons close to the minister of the economy”.

However, no interceptions to this regard were published in the dossier.

When in 2015 journalist Ann Marlowe’s exclusive report on fuel smuggling – ‘Why does EU tolerate Libya’s smuggler kingpin as migrants drown?’ – was published in the Asia Times, Debono is heard urging caution from his acolytes, to make sure all their documentation is in order.

As news of the fuel smuggling operation emerged in the Italian press and through the United Nations’ experts’ report in 2016, interceptions by the investigators show a growing apprehension inside the syndicate, to make sure payments for the fuel are cleared and circulated inside their offshore companies.

“We have to go to the United Nations,” Debono is heard telling an associate, after having obtained a certificate of origin from the Libyan National Oil Corporation. “They are just copying what some asshole journalist from the Wall Street Journal is writing.”

The investigators said Darren Debono, Gordon Debono and c would participate in “summits” in Italy with Marco Porta, and then meet Bin Khalifa in Libya.

In a bid to hide the illicit origin of the fuel being bunkered out at sea, Gordon Debono would use the company Petroplus Ltd to issue false invoices; while Darren Debono and Romeo would use the company Oceano Blu Trading Ltd, as well as other offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands, to hide the flow of money used to pay Bin Khalifa.

Once the fuel was bunkered at sea, and then acquired by Marco Porta’s Maxcom Bunker SpA in Italy, Porta would use false documentation issued by Petroplus, to hide the origin of the fuel – documents which were, possibly unknowingly, validated by the Libyan Maltese Chamber of Commerce.

Italian investigators tapping the phone-calls from Darren Debono’s San Gwann office show Debono trying to convince Porta to buy the fuel for 30c a litre.

“Listen Marco, it’s Darren… Mr Fahmi [Bin Khalifa] is selling you… you know, if you can help us a little please, we’re a family, understand?”

Debono was also intercepted coordinating the movements of the ships involved in the bunkering of the Libyan oil, showing how he had a handle on the shipping movements carrying the smuggled fuel.

Another interception, this time of Marco Porta and a Maxcom employee, makes reference to Nicola Orazio Romeo’s connections to the Sicilian underworld. Romeo, linked to the Mafia clan of Santapaola-Ercolano, was revealed by the Panama Papers of having had offshore companies at the same San Gwann address as ADJ Trading, the firm in which both Debono and Bin Khalifa were once shareholders.

“Nicola is part of the real underworld, the one nobody touches,” Porta tells a colleague. “He’s always being tapped when he is in Sicily.”


[戦争b21] 忘れられるリビア、ベネズエラ、南スーダンの石油 taked4700
4. 2021年4月03日 18:17:19 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[15]

ibya is in turmoil and the authorities have no control over the country. Anarchy seems to be the order of the day.

Around a year ago, Prime Minister Muscat was gloating because he had reached an agreement with the then Libyan Prime Minister on procuring cheap oil for Malta.

Today, that Libyan Prime Minister has escaped from the country, the rebels control the greater part of it, and indeed most of its oil reserves.

Rather than giving cheap oil to Malta, the Libyans are in dire need of oil themselves.

What is happening is that the rebels in control are syphoning off the oil out of the country.

Now a couple of days ago, the Libyan Prime Minister today, Abdullah al-Thinni, declared that large amounts of fuel were being smuggled from Libya to Malta. MaltaToday has reported that this fuel is being exchanged for drugs and alcohol coming from Malta.

Maltese Foreign Minister George Vella has said that meetings are being held between senior security personnel in Malta and Libya to verify allegations of this fuel smuggling from Libya to Malta and that Malta will take all decisions necessary to curb such activities. The Maltese Security Services have also been alerted.

I believe this is a very responsible attitude on the part of the Maltese authorities. Of course, the Libyan authorities, despite all the concrete problems that they have to face in their country, should make a real effort to control the different types of racket, including oil smuggling and people trafficking, that are originating from their country.

But the Maltese authorities should also start asking themselves some questions.

The facts are that in the last few months the Maltese authorities have arrested two Maltese people in connection with the smuggling of diesel from Libya on their boats.

We have also had the recent killing of a person in Marsaxlokk, with a bomb planted under his car driver seat. This person is the owner and sole director of an oil importing company.


[戦争b21] 忘れられるリビア、ベネズエラ、南スーダンの石油 taked4700
5. 2021年4月03日 18:24:18 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[16]

A Swiss company was accepting smuggled fuel from Libya inside tanks leased from Enemed between 2014 and 2015, to resell the oil at sea and the European market.

Kolmar, of Zug, acquired the oil from the smuggling operation ran by Libyan smuggler Fahmi Slim Ben Khalifa, and Maltese nationals Darren and Gordon Debono, well before the Italian police caught up with the smuggling network.

The oil was cleared by the Malta Customs despite fraudulent certification from Fahmi Slim’s Tiuboda company, while the tanks were leased to Kolmar after the Swiss company made a public bid for the storage. Enemed, the government petroleum divison, has said it was unaware of the contents of the storage because the oil had been cleared by Customs.

Using data from ship movements and information on bank payments, a new investigation confirms that the tanks at Ras Hanzir and Has Saptan were used to store oil delivered by the ships chartered by Darren and Gordon Debono.

But the fuel was accepted by the Malta Customs despite fraudulent certificates of origin, and the numerous protests of Libyan leaders about fuel being smuggled into Malta.

The revelations are part of an investigation carried out by NGO TRIAL International and the Swiss public advocacy group Public Eye, which campaigns on issues of corporate accountability.

Libyan fuel smuggling: a Swiss trader sailing through troubled waters

Together with journalists and the assistance of MaltaToday in obtaining information through Freedom of Information requests, the report reveals a sustained pattern of deliveries of smuggled Libyan oil, into tanks leased out from Enemed, the government’s petroleum company, by Kolmar.

The oil was later blended out at sea so that it could be resold onto the European market.

Specifically, over 20 shipments of marine gasoil from Libya were delivered to Kolmar’s tanks in Malta between the spring of 2014 and the summer of 2015, from ships chartered by Gordon Debono.

These new findings concern activities that predate what was revealed by a United Nations panel of experts in 2015 which led to the arrests of ‘smuggling king’ Fahmi Slim, the Debonos and their Italian associates.

A copy of a Banif Bank statement for Oceano Blu Trading Ltd, a company linked to Darren Debono and based at his San Gwann address, shows that from 18 June to 22 July 2015, Kolmar made 11 transfers totalling over $11 million. Oceano Blu Trading was administered by the Sicilian Nicola Orazio Romeo, who is also indicted over fuel smuggling in Sicily.


[] 大 麻
1. 2021年4月03日 19:21:22 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[17]

Excerpts from the White Paper:
•Decriminalisation of up to 7 grams of cannabis possession
•Households can grow up to 4 plants for personal use only
•Crimes no longer considered as such by this law will be removed from one's police conduct by means of simple procedure
•Consumption of cannabis in public will not be allowed - those found in breach of this will be subject to a €233.33 administrative fine

Prime Minister Robert Abela launched a public consultation process on a White Paper to strengthen the legal framework on the repsonsible use of cannabis.

The government is proposing that the possession of more than 7 grams but less than 28 grams for one’s exclusive personal use should be subject to proceedings before the Commissioner for Justice, as currently contemplated for the possession of less than 3.5 grams.

It is being proposed that every residential habitation (household) can grow up to 4 plants, in a space which is not visible to the public, and which does not emit smells. The cultivated cannabis cannot be sold, and can only be consumed in the same habitation. Cannabis cannot be consumed before minors, and residents are to ensure that it is stored in places which are inaccessible to minors residing in the same habitation.

During a press conference on Tuesday, Abela said that the White Paper sets out the general principles on which a future cannabis legislative framework will be based.

Government will draw upon the opinions of stakeholders to clarify where smoking will be allowed and the technicalities involving communal smoking.

Abela added that there should be a legal source through which people can purchase cannabis and cannabis seeds, but this is being left open in the document so that government can gather opinions from the public.


[国際20] パナマ文書報道に参加の記者暗殺 自動車に爆弾を仕掛けられ(ロイター) 赤かぶ
4. 2021年4月03日 19:40:37 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[18]

The Daphne Foundation is calling for fresh charges to be pressed against Yorgen Fenech, Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi after news broke on Monday that the elusive company Macbridge was linked to a Chinese executive who helped negotiate the Shanghai Electric investment in Enemalta.

"An international consortium of journalists has laid bare the ownership of offshore companies Macbridge International Development and Dow’s Media Co Ltd, confirming what Daphne Caruana Galizia had reported five years ago: that a criminal entanglement of political and illicit business interests that stretches across the world sat at the heart of Joseph Muscat’s government," the foundation said in their statement.

The foundation is further calling for Cheng Chen to be extradited to Malta to face justice.

"We also expect former prime minister Joseph Muscat’s role in the Shanghai Electric Power and Montenegro wind farm deals to be fully investigated by the Maltese authorities."

It added that action must be taken against Accenture - Cheng Chen’s employer and a consultant on the part-sale of Malta’s state energy company to Chinese state-owned enterprise Shanghai Electric Power in 2013.

"Accenture has known about Chen’s implication in corruption and illicit offshore dealings since 2016 and has chosen to retain him, suggesting that his actions are endorsed by his employer."

On Monday, an international investigation by Reuters and Times of Malta found that Chen Cheng used relatives to set up two firms in Hong Kong.

The first of the companies set up by the Chen family, known as Macbridge, planned to pay up to $2 million to Panama firms controlled by Mizzi and Schembri. It was listed as a target client alongside 17 Black, which was revealed to be owned by Yorgen Fenech.

The second Chen company was called Dow’s Media Company, and the investigation revealed how it received €1 million from 17 Black.


[政治・選挙・NHK211] 中国 日本メディアが報じるほど「好戦的国家」なのだろうか?(世相を斬る あいば達也) 笑坊
4. 2021年4月03日 23:17:25 : pcKvBJiI0E : cDMxa0RWL2FCVUU=[19]






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