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[] 相対性理論はインチキだろう.
148. 2022年11月07日 16:22:52 : PUmcVWQC2o : dlYwaVE2SVViclE=[1]
Binary Stars & Emission Theory  (クリ)

Light of binary stars that emitted from light source follow emission theory for a few seconds. After that, it follows aether frame. Observer A is in valid area of the emission theory and is stationary relative to the binary star frame. Observer B is outside the valid area of the emission theory and is stationary relative to the aether frame. Speed (c'), frequency (f), and wavelength (λ) of light of approaching star for two observers will be as follows. In addition, binary star frame is stationery relative to aether.

For A. c' is high, f is high, λ is const.
For B. c' is const, f is high, λ is low.


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