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[] 相対性理論はインチキだろう.
118. 2022年7月09日 17:42:33 : VdjSTYHRjM : dVRqMjIvcDU0Tk0=[1]
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (an essay) (クリ)

Centrifugal force is inertial force and cannot be the first cause of perihelion shift. The 99-101 effect mentioned above (tentative naming: contrary to Newton's spherical shell theorem) will be caused by size of Mercury, size of Sun, and distance between Mercury and Sun. On Mercury, these have effect on gravity and it will be the first cause. And then, direction of elliptical orbit may be shifted. At perihelion, this effect will be greatest.

Magnitude of perihelion shift of planets with satellite is far superior. This is probably because gravity of Sun acting on satellite in half orbit close to Sun is far superior.


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