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[] 相対性理論はインチキだろう.
264. なかやま[24] gsiCqYLigtw 2024年2月28日 12:55:52 : 7Tavj6hHPE : eVpSdDFyRGlaYmc=[1]
Propagation of Light in Two Ways (guess) (クリ)

In space, spaceship is floating (not accelerating). From this spacecraft, multiple probes begin a uniform linear motion towards assigned star on celestial sphere. A light source set on the probes that shines at a certain frequency is visible from the spacecraft.

Is the assumption that propagation of light in two ways (written before) correct ? If correct, frequency of probe's light (reaches the spacecraft) that emitted from before and after a few light-seconds distance will be different (although in rare cases it may not be different). The two, emission theory and aether will revovebe as phoenixes.


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