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[自然災害22] DEWによるカリフォルニア火災(Walk in the spirit)(DEWによるカリフォルニア火災の実写動画) こーるてん
6. アホ草[17] g0GDepGQ 2021年5月09日 17:21:36 : jJejLUVTkY :TOR M1RTcnRaZnVDY2M=[1]

Birds Falling from The Sky by The Hundreds of Thousands? | coreysdigs.com




2019年7月1日、Military&Aerospace Electronicsは、「指向性エネルギー兵器が大きく前進している」と報告し、空軍によって開発およびテストされている高エネルギーレーザーであるホワイトサンズミサイルレンジのデモンストレーターレーザー兵器システムの写真を示しました。研究所。彼らはまた、ホワイトサンズでレイセオンの高度な高出力マイクロ波と高エネルギーレーザーを展示しました。




First Report of Bird Deaths Was at White Sands Missile Range in NM

All reports state that the first cluster of birds found dead, took place at White Sands Missile Range and White Sands National Monument on August 20, where over 300 birds “mysteriously” fell from the sky to their death. Given this, the following information may or may not be relevant to the birds specifically but is most certainly newsworthy.

In October 2019, the DOD published a press release about directed energy weapons moving closer to prime time.

On July 1, 2019, Military & Aerospace Electronics reported on “Directed-energy weapons taking big steps forward” and showed a photo of The Demonstrator Laser Weapon System at White Sands Missile Range which are high energy lasers being developed and tested by the Air Force Research Laboratory. They also showed the Raytheon advanced high-power microwave and high-energy laser at White Sands. This report covers quite a bit of information pertaining to where the US, China, and Russia are with direct-energy weapons use, which already in full swing, and experiments that White Sands had been running. High-energy lasers can be used in special operations to attack power grids, high-value infrastructure, and moving vehicles.

In August 2020, the DOD published a press release about the framework for advancing directed energy weapons, along with their initiatives.

On August 20, 2020, the day the birds “fell from the sky” over White Sands Missile Range, it isn’t known as to whether they were running directed-energy experiments that day. One report shows that one of the tests they were running was intercepting high-speed tactical ballistic and cruise missiles.

On September 16, 2020, Defense Secretary Mark Esper announced that China and Russia have weaponized space through killer satellites and directed energy weapons designed to exploit and weaken the US military.

While it is suggested that the fires may have something to do with the birds dying from smoke inhalation and flight confusion, aside from actual police arrests of arsonists starting some of the fires, is it plausible that directed energy weapons may have played a role as well? There is certainly enough evidence to raise this question. And, if a few hundred birds really did “fall to their death” at White Sands, what tests or experiments may have been running around that timeframe, as it seems quite odd that White Sands would be ground zero.

'Beijing & Moscow Weaponized Space Through Killer Satellites,
Directed Energy Weapons': Defense Sec






- Highland Range (Lincoln County) - Wikipedia


大型冷却システムを備えた液晶レーザーは、固体状態で連続ビームを発射できますレーザービームはより強力ですが、通常、過熱を防ぐためにパルスで発射する必要があります。 (熱伝達要件が満たされている限り、固体レーザーは継続的に実行できます。)これまで、両方のタイプのレーザーは、これらの巨大な冷却システムが必要なため、非常にかさばっていました。それらが収まる唯一の航空機はジャンボジェットのサイズでした。


プログラムの最初の数年間は、General Atomics のフォトニクス部門が元請業者でした。この設計は、固体レーザーの高エネルギー密度と液体レーザーの熱管理を組み合わせたものです。 「HEL兵器」と呼ばれる最初のプロトタイプは、穏やかな1キロワット(kW)のビームを発射することを実証しました。 2007年のプログラムのフェーズ3は、実験室で15 kWの電力を実証し、2008年の終わりに、General Atomicsの入札により、ロッキードマーティンが兵器システムインテグレーターとして選ばれました。 Wikipedia site:nipponkaigi.net



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