★阿修羅♪ > MnkzTm5nUGJ2TlE= > 100000
g検索 MnkzTm5nUGJ2TlE=  
MnkzTm5nUGJ2TlE= コメント履歴 No: 100000
[] 相対性理論はインチキだろう.
94. 2022年5月07日 16:05:18 : yzSB0Xo9hg : MnkzTm5nUGJ2TlE=[1]
Aether (rewritten) (クリ)

What if Bradley didn't discover aberration ? Now earth is revolving. Suppose, we look at celestial sphere in spring and autumn equinoxes. Light from stars are refracted in upper atmosphere and to ground. In addition, light from stars are slightly bent in the upper atmosphere due to aberration and to ground also. Is this aberration (due to motion of earth in aether ) known now ?

[] 相対性理論はインチキだろう.
95. 2022年5月07日 16:44:31 : yzSB0Xo9hg : MnkzTm5nUGJ2TlE=[2]
Aether (rewritten) (クリ)

On the celestial sphere, two stars are close by. So, aberration of the two is the same (can be said so). That is, speed and angle of incident lights of two stars (on a point of upper atmospher) are the same.

On the other hand, actual existence of two stars are not the same. Regardless of it, aberration depends solely on motion of earth (excluding celestial bodies of solar system). Only aether can explain.


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