★阿修羅♪ > NFJxbXhvSHYvNi4= > 100000
g検索 NFJxbXhvSHYvNi4=  
NFJxbXhvSHYvNi4= コメント履歴 No: 100000
[経世済民105] 「たった62人」の大富豪が全世界の半分の富を持つ 〜あまりにも異常な世界の現実 ピケティ、クルーグマンも警告 赤かぶ
15. 2021年5月04日 16:14:21 : UEDopXtBLQ : NFJxbXhvSHYvNi4=[1]
MS創業者ビル・ゲイツ氏が離婚 共同設立の慈善団体は活動継続


[原発・フッ素48] 在キューバ米大使館職員に「音響攻撃」か、聴覚障害で帰国も update1 お天道様はお見通し
9. 2021年5月04日 17:44:38 : UEDopXtBLQ : NFJxbXhvSHYvNi4=[2]

The suspected directed-energy attacks on U.S. government personnel worldwide are “an act of war,” said former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, who launched an initiative to investigate the incidents during his time at the Pentagon last year and is urging the new administration to stay on the issue.

“If this plays out and somebody is attacking Americans [even] with a nonlethal weapon … we owe it to our folks that are out there,” Miller, who served as former President Donald Trump’s acting defense chief from November until January, told POLITICO. “We owe it to them to get to the bottom of this.”

Miller’s comments come as U.S. officials increasingly sound the alarm about the suspected attacks, which cause symptoms similar to those reported in recent years by American spies and diplomats in Cuba affected by the so-called “Havana syndrome.” Victims report lasting headaches, loss of hearing and balance, ringing and pressure in the ears, fatigue, and sometimes long-term brain damage.

POLITICO first reported that Pentagon officials last month briefed lawmakers on the “urgent” and growing threat to U.S. government personnel, including troops. The Senate Intelligence Committee has since vowed to “get to the bottom” of the issue.

The suspected attacks also include ongoing incidents involving military attaches at embassies around the world, a former official and a congressional source briefed on the incidents told POLITICO. Officials are focusing their investigations on suspected incidents near U.S. embassies in South America, the congressional source said.

This suspected attack, which has not been previously reported, joins a growing list of incidents. Others have allegedly occurred in the U.S., including in Miami, Alexandria, Va., and the Ellipse in Washington. Both sources asked not to be named in order to discuss the investigation.

Defense officials who briefed lawmakers last month said Russia was likely the source of the attacks, but did not have a smoking gun.

A White House spokesperson declined to comment on the specifics of the investigation, but said the Biden administration has taken the reports “very seriously since day one.”

[カルト19] CFR( 外交問題評議会)と、CSIS(ジャパンハンドラーズ)と、安倍晋三。 マシマヒロト
9. 2021年5月04日 18:21:43 : UEDopXtBLQ : NFJxbXhvSHYvNi4=[3]

Retiring Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) said it is "unacceptable" that no CIA officials will reportedly be punished for breaching computers used by Senate staffers.

Rockefeller, a former Intelligence Committee chairman, said CIA Director John Brennan has continued to impede congressional oversight and will not answer basic questions about the incident.

The New York Times reported that the unauthorized search was, at some points, carried out with the support of Brennan. The White House must hold Brennan "accountable" if Brennan called for the search, Rockefeller said.

"That there would be no repercussions for any of this is beyond the pale," he said in a statement. "It enables a culture where serious mistakes are tolerated and swept under the rug. Such an unabashed lack of accountability would not be acceptable at any other department or agency, and it should not be acceptable at the CIA."

Rockefeller, who is retiring at the end of the year, said the search was "deeply inappropriate and shows a major lapse in judgment."

The dispute between the Senate Intelligence Committee and the CIA involves the committee's report on the agency's now-defunct interrogation program that was released earlier this month.

Earlier this year, committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) accused the agency of illegally accessing computers used by her committee at a CIA site set up for staffers to sort through documents associated with the George W. Bush-era interrogation program.

CIA officials were accused of breaching the computers to see if the agency had inadvertently given Senate staffers access to an internal report, dubbed the Panetta review, not meant to be read outside the agency.

Brennan was initially defiant after the accusations but later apologized after the CIA's inspector general found that the agency acted inappropriately.

[原発・フッ素46] 廃炉原発の金属60トン室蘭に 日鋼で再利用試行 線量は基準内 (北海道新聞) 魑魅魍魎男
9. 2021年5月24日 13:18:27 : UEDopXtBLQ : NFJxbXhvSHYvNi4=[4]
茨城県産廃処分場候補 日立で反対集会 洪水や土砂崩れ懸念、谷間の危険性指摘







[政治・選挙・NHK279] 菅首相が東北新社創業者の“もうひとつの献金”を隠していた理由! BS放送認可の年に100万円で口利きの見返り疑惑も(リテラ) 赤かぶ
26. 2021年5月24日 17:30:29 : UEDopXtBLQ : NFJxbXhvSHYvNi4=[5]




[カルト21] (必見動画)  警官が襲われたことによって それを口実に、警察は、街の、監視カメラを、さらに激増させることでしょう マシマヒロト
13. 2021年5月24日 19:02:22 : UEDopXtBLQ : NFJxbXhvSHYvNi4=[6]
AIカメラで客の行動分析 品ぞろえや接客改善に活用






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