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Covid-19の死亡率上昇に関係する酵素そのものが、抗毒化合物によって阻止される (Natural News) 
投稿者 魑魅魍魎男 日時 2022 年 4 月 16 日 06:43:48: FpBksTgsjX9Gw 6bOWo@mx6bKSag

「The very enzyme that is associated with increased covid-19 mortality is blocked
by an ANTI-VENOM compound」
(by Lance D Johnson Natural News 2022/4/13)


(Natural News)米国臨床研究学会は、死亡したcovid-19の患者から採取した血漿の生化学的性質を調査する研究を発表した。研究者チームは、「死に至る重度のCOVID-19の原因となる細胞および分子メカニズムを特定すること」をめざしていた。重症のcovid-19患者は、ミトコンドリア機能障害と分泌型ホスホリパーゼA2(sPLA2)活性に関連する代謝物の上昇を示しました。これは毒ヘビに咬まれた後に上昇する酵素と同じものである。このsPLA2の増加は、感染に対する身体の自然な反応なのだろうか?それとも、身体がもっと邪悪なもの、おそらく有毒粒子によって感染/中毒状態にされていることを示す指標なのだろうか?


■ 抗毒化合物が重症covid-19病患者を救うために研究されている





■ 医療制度は、Covid-19の診断で利益を得ていたが、実際の病気の背後にある病理についてはほとんど理解していなかった

2年間にわたり、病院システムは非特異的症状の長いリストを使って、「covid-19」をコード化してきた。「それ」が単に 「疑われるか、除外できない」場合、「covid-19」という用語が患者に叩きつけられた。さらに、病院は特定の感染症を診断することを意図したものでない不正なPCR検査に頼っていた。








The very enzyme that is associated with increased covid-19 mortality is blocked
by an ANTI-VENOM compound
(by Lance D Johnson Natural News 2022/4/13)

(Natural News) The American Society for Clinical Investigation published research investigating the biochemical properties of plasma taken from deceased covid-19 patients. The team of researchers wanted to “identify the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for severe COVID-19 that led to death.” Patients with severe covid-19 showed mitochondrial dysfunction and elevated metabolites associated with secreted phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) activity. This is the same enzyme that is elevated after a venomous snake bite. Could this increase in sPLA2 be the body’s natural reaction to infection, or could it be an indicator that the body is infected/poisoned by something more nefarious ― perhaps venomous particles?

“Deceased COVID-19 patients had higher levels of circulating, catalytically active sPLA2 group IIA (sPLA2-IIA), with a median value that was 9.6-fold higher than that for patients with mild disease and 5.0-fold higher than the median value for survivors of severe COVID-19,” the study authors wrote.

Anti-venom compound being studied to help patients with severe covid-19 disease

According to years of biochemical research, a broad-spectrum ANTI-VENOM compound inhibits the very enzyme that is associated with severe covid-19 disease and covid-19 mortality. It turns out that this enzyme (sPLA2) is inhibited by an anti-venom compound called varespladib. Clinical trials show that varespladib is a potent inhibitor of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2). Varespladib has demonstrated improvements in cardiovascular risks, including a reduction in inflammatory C-reactive proteins and a near complete suppression of the target enzyme, sPLA2.

A Medscape article from November 2020 concurred that the lung inflammation caused by covid-19 produces the sPLA2 enzyme. The article also said a more deadly version of the same enzyme is produced by SNAKE VENOM. Researchers are using varespladib as a broad-spectrum, anti-venom drug because it targets this same sPLA2 enzyme. Researchers also want to deploy the anti-venom compound against severe covid-19 cases.

This brings up the question: Could the clinical manifestation of “covid-19” actually be the ill effects of a bioweapon that contains properties from snake venom? This may explain why severe covid patients and those vaccinated with the spike protein mRNA may suffer from dizziness, paralysis, coagulated blood and inflamed lungs. These are all similar symptoms from a venomous snake bite [Figure 6]. If severe covid-19 involves an enzyme that can be suppressed by anti-venom, does the actual SARS-CoV-2 contain genetic code from snake venom? Furthermore, are the serious cardiovascular effects from the mRNA vaccines related to this same venomous component?

Medical systems profited from covid-19 diagnoses, but understood very little about the pathology behind the actual disease

For two years, hospital systems used a long list of non-specific symptoms to code for “covid-19.” A term called “covid-19” was slapped on patients if “it” was merely “suspected or cannot be ruled out.” Moreover, hospitals relied on fraudulent PCR tests that were never intended to diagnose a specific infectious disease.

The word “covid-19” has been advertised at a mind-numbing level, without any understanding of the pathology behind the disease label or how hospital protocols exacerbated suffering and death. While the PCR tests were being used to falsely diagnose common respiratory viruses as “covid-19,” the real bioweapon could have easily evaded detection and caused unexplained inflammation of the lungs and cardiovascular system of older patients and people with comorbidities.

What we’ve come to know as “covid-19” could actually be a binary weapon based off of snake venom (and other components), which can drive severe inflammation in the lungs and the cardiovascular system. Since the covid-19 vaccines are intended to replicate similar genetic sequences of the spike protein, all these cardiovascular problems and sudden vaccine deaths could be the effects of the same snake venom properties.

Over the past two years, scientists were focused on augmenting an immune response with spike protein mRNA and the public was coerced to go along with the idea that these were life-saving vaccines; but the entire scientific and medical infrastructure could have missed the point entirely. We’re facing a long war of biowarfare, masquerading as science. The vaccinated could have been poisoned by venomous genetic instructions that poison the lungs, the cardiovascular system and the nervous system.

Maybe this is the reason why the vaccine didn’t work after the first dose; this never-ending assault is replicating venomous, poisonous components (that have nothing to do with immunity), and they are sickening the population in a more direct and deliberate manner than the original bioweapon ever could. Maybe this is the reason why the vaccinated are manifesting severe covid now, at rates greater than the unvaccinated. They are literally being forcefully poisoned to death, dose after dose.



[最重要] ブライアン・アーディス博士 「新型コロナの正体は呼吸器系ウイルスではなく、ヘビ毒である」 
(拙稿 2022/4/13)

(Mai Chiba's Homepage)」 (拙稿 2022/4/14)

ブライアン・アーディス&マイク・アダムズとの対談パート2より、抜粋 (Ryoko)」 (拙稿 2022/4/15)


1. 2022年4月16日 11:52:12 : XKt5JB0E4U : VlExN04vdjM5Qkk=[29] 報告
2. [487] iKQ 2022年4月16日 12:43:35 : 2PO6QU0fEg : RVU2LktrbnViUG8=[376] 報告

 ドクチン信者が どんどん 進化しているのには 感心する


 ひと昔まえは PCR一辺倒だったし  それから 草の根や 怪しい動物から グラフェンなど

 中に 含まれた 奇妙奇天烈に はしったのだが〜〜


 最近は 蛇毒に至ったようだ      <= ようやるわ〜〜



3. [488] iKQ 2022年4月16日 12:45:28 : 2PO6QU0fEg : RVU2LktrbnViUG8=[377] 報告


 Sたんぱくで 盛り上がってた時も 在ったよね〜〜

 もう あれ 忘れちゃったの〜〜〜


4. 2022年4月16日 14:16:21 : eXzNjSVZ8U : YW1OazZVRGdxTlE=[1] 報告
5. 2022年4月16日 14:38:25 : Yss59esgeE : bEEvQ0FId01XUU0=[1121] 報告


6. 2022年4月16日 20:05:04 : XKt5JB0E4U : VlExN04vdjM5Qkk=[30] 報告
7. 2022年4月16日 20:18:47 : XKt5JB0E4U : VlExN04vdjM5Qkk=[31] 報告
オックスフォード ×
スタンフォード  ○


8. 2022年4月16日 20:24:30 : XKt5JB0E4U : VlExN04vdjM5Qkk=[32] 報告
9. [490] iKQ 2022年4月16日 22:42:08 : 2PO6QU0fEg : RVU2LktrbnViUG8=[379] 報告

 蛇の毒は 血液を サラサラにするようだ

 今まで ドクチン信者が 主張していたのは グラフェンで 血液が ドロドロと言っていた


 ドクチン信者の 主張が 180度 違う方向に 急旋回したということか??


 コロコロ変わる バカバカの頭は たたけば すぐに 方向転換するのだね〜〜


10. 2022年4月16日 23:54:20 : JPU5qEGAiM : a1dIWU5mMEh5cFE=[21] 報告


11. [495] iKQ 2022年4月17日 00:14:37 : 2PO6QU0fEg : RVU2LktrbnViUG8=[384] 報告

 >10 さんへ

 きっと ドクチン信者は 蛇毒ということで これに 愛が どう反応するか??

 と 考えてみたことはあるか??

 そこで 愛の >9  で サラサラとドロドロの ドクチン信者の 盲点を導き出した

 知恵というか 頓智というか??

 実に 面白い 反論ができたと おもってるぞ〜〜

 >10なんか 何の知恵もない バカ丸出しの 文章やないか


12. [496] iKQ 2022年4月17日 00:16:29 : 2PO6QU0fEg : RVU2LktrbnViUG8=[385] 報告


 反論しなくても 良いんだけど

 ドクチン信者が 一生懸命考えた 蛇毒という アイデアに 

 少しだけ 反論してみたくなるよね〜〜〜



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